LIVE IN PHOTOS: Cold War Kids and joe p. in Toronto

The Long Beach, California indie band made a stop on February 27 at Toronto’s Phoenix Concert Theatre. Halfway through their 30-stop tour promoting their late 2023 self-titled album, they brought along Joe P and band to open the show before a packed house.

The tour continues on March 1 & 2 at Webster Hall in NYC. More info here.


Cold War Kids in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris

Cold War Kids in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris

Cold War Kids in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris

Joe P in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris

Joe P in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris









Joe P in Toronto. Photo by Aron Harris

Aron Harris
Aron Harris is ADDICTED Magazine's music editor as well as a contributor. As a graphic designer, writer and photographer, you can find his work all over ADDICTED. He also geeks out over watches, pizza, bass guitars and the Grateful Dead.
Aron Harris

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