An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Jewelry For Your Other Half

There’s a lot to consider when you’re choosing the right jewelry for your other half. Are they looking for a decent-looking everyday ring or an extravagant gift they can wear only on special occasions? Is that someone special, a diamond enthusiast, or are they more fond of pearls? Your other half may have different tastes than you, but that doesn’t mean you have to compromise. You can always buy them jewelry that you know they will love. Here are a few tips you can use to put yourself in a better position to select jewelry that your better half will love.


Shop At The Right Time

If you need help, you should think about choosing the right time to go into a jewelry shop. This is because you need to pick a time when there are not many other customers so that the staff can give you their undivided attention. The best way to go about this is to check your state and see which times are the most popular and afford you the most one-on-one time with the staff. It is best to check online to know when the best days are for each state, as each has a different time when they have the most footfall. Consequently, jewelry stores in Virginia tend to be busiest on Saturdays, whereas those in New York typically get more footfall on Fridays. Interestingly, most places seem to be the least active on Tuesdays, indicating that this is the best time to visit a store. Alternatively, you could skip the physical experience entirely and opt to shop online.


Don’t Get them What You Want them To Wear

This is often the biggest mistake that partners can make when shopping for jewelry or any other item of clothing for that matter. It is straightforward to fall into the trap of looking for things that catch your eye rather than carefully considering what she actually might like. Therefore, you should go shopping with an open mind. In any case, if you are having difficulties finding something she will enjoy, you can proceed to the next tip.

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Go Shopping With Them

Before you attempt to surprise your other half with beautiful jewelry, it could be a good idea to go shopping with them. This will afford you several things:


  • You can see what items they buy themselves
  • You will understand what budget they give themselves
  • See which places they shop in
  • They will appreciate the effort, and it will reign you closer together


Once you have a general idea about the items they buy for themselves, you will be far better positioned for success. In addition, you should combine this tip with the following one.


Listen Attentively 

As with anything in life (relationships in particular), you must always listen to what your partner has to say. You will glean a great many things from them if you merely open your ears and mind. When it comes to shopping for jewelry, listening is incredibly vital. In many cases, when your partner knows that you will buy them a gift, for birthdays, for example, they could be sending you pretty strong hints about items they wish to receive. Naturally, they won’t tell you outright because that would spoil the surprise. In addition to determining their preferred jewelry, you can usually figure out more about their style if you listen carefully.


Find Out From Their Best Friend

If you are still struggling, you can always get help from your partner’s friends. Most good friends would love to give you advice so that you can buy the perfect gift. It would help if you kept in mind that not everyone will provide you with great advice, so you still need to use your common sense and knowledge of your other half.


Photo by cottonbro


Take Time To Consider Something Sentimental 

Gifts sent from the heart are the perfect way to surprise someone, and when it comes to jewelry, you might end up with the perfect gift. When regarding something sentimental, you should try to remember some of the more intimate memories you have had together. For example, you could find a necklace similar to what you first bought for them when you were first dating, something that connects to a unique shared memory, has ties to a fantastic vacation or even a first date. Tying wonderful moments into gift-giving is the best way to do something memorable. 


Consider The Situation

If you buy jewelry for a special occasion, it might be a good idea to consider the event. For instance, if you are going to a friend’s wedding, you shouldn’t purchase something that will upstage anyone. Furthermore, if you have been invited to a sophisticated cocktail party, you might want to leave the more garish items and opt for something with an air of class about it.


Identify The Items they Already Possess

There is nothing worse than purchasing something they already own. Not only is it a waste of effort and money, but you could also end up offending them by appearing not to care. While you need to be aware of this, you have to be careful. Getting caught rummaging in your partners’ jewelry box, for instance, is not a good idea because it looks suspicious and could ruin the surprise. It is also just plain odd! It is, therefore, crucial that you remain as attentive as you can.


Giver Them The Gift Of Versatility 

There is nothing more valuable than versatility. If they can wear something for formal and informal occasions, they will get the most use. You should put it in an emotional rather than a logical way because if she thinks it’s to save money, it might not go over well. The best way to do this is to allow them to appreciate the versatility herself rather than mentioning it. Since she knows jewelry better than you, she can see the benefits immediately without you having to speak bluntly about it.


Choosing jewelry for someone else is a fun challenge, and the correct item can make a big difference. You must understand your wife’s style and are observant to ensure that you make a good choice. This can range from seeing what they already own to asking friends. However you go about it, the right gift should provide a sense of satisfaction for both you and your wife.


Photo by Kenneth Gorzal Surillo


Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!