In the United States, more equal treatment for those with disabilities is slowly but surely being brought into the popular discourse. A report by Humans Rights Watch highlighted one victory for disability advocates in securing non-discriminatory treatment by the authorities in Alabama, following the issuance of healthcare guidance that was inclusive of discriminatory wording. In a conservative state like Alabama, this has been heralded as a sign of just how far disability rights are moving forward in America.
The push for more
However, these rights can always be improved, and action continues to be taken across the states for the rights of people living with disability to be recognized. The 30th Anniversary of the Disability Civil Rights Protest, held in early 2020, sought to promote this issue. Disabilities can significantly impact an individual’s ability to vote; cerebral palsy is one example of a condition that will, for many people, create considerable mobility challenges.
An important aspect of supporting individuals with disabilities is ensuring they receive proper healthcare, and Medicare plays a crucial role in providing accessible services; besides treatments and medical equipment, it also helps to address other specific needs of those with disabilities. And while things have improved today, work remains ongoing to make cities and public buildings truly accessible.
A lack of accessibility
These accessibility modifications are severely needed. A study published by the Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology found that no area of the USA had a 100% rate of accessible public buildings as it concerned wheelchair access. To date, no single state can lay claim to being absolutely accessible, but there may be technological solutions to this.
Under Section 508
The government does have legislation, even if it is unevenly applied across the country, to ensure that everyone has access to the adaptations they require to guarantee proper access to essential public facilities. Technology is now helping to make these accessibility requirements a reality rather than a pipe dream. The Department of Education, in particular, is taking the lead with applying Sections 504 and 508, and users of public services across the country should hopefully soon see the benefit that smart tech can have in improving access.
Hopefully, this means a better future for people living with disability in America. The positive news story from Alabama indicates that better days are ahead. With lawmakers interested in progress, this should become a reality.