Author Archives: Jessica Alexander

About Jessica Alexander

I've always loved to write, but I'd never want to be famous. So, I write as Jessica A. over here at ADDICTED. You can think of my like Carmen Sandiego, you trust me, but where in the world am I?

Why Those with Hernias Should Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Understanding how hernias function in your body, and what can bother them, is key to both treatment and prevention. However, other harmful lifestyle choices and habits can massively play into the hernia factor. Especially when it comes to smoking and…

Getting Ready for Prom Night: Tips From the Experts

Prom night is a time when everyone wants to look and feel their best. It’s an evening of excitement, anticipation, and maybe even some anxiety. With so much riding on one night, it can be hard not to get stressed…

Increase Your Job Prospects By Trying Some Courses

The internet has changed the way that people work, for good and for bad. One of the better ways is that it lets you improve yourself in various ways. You can make yourself more attractive to employers by taking some…

Why Are White Tees So Popular?

From Kanye West to Justin Bieber to your friendly neighbour – everybody loves a white crew neck tee. It’s one of those pieces every guy has to have in their wardrobe, and that’s probably the easiest to style for any…

Dos and Don’ts Of Giving Pumpkin To Dogs

At this point, you’ve probably read or heard from multiple sources that feeding your dog pumpkin is a good idea. And for the most part, this is true. Not only is pumpkin safe for dogs to eat, but it could…

Useful Tips On How To Sell Your Used Vehicle

Most people don’t take the time to think about what they’re going to do with their used vehicle after it’s been driven off of a dealership lot. They’ve paid for the car, and that’s enough. However, if you’re not careful,…

Does your oral hygiene routine help prevent seasonal illness?

Along with the cold weather comes the increased risk of picking up a seasonal illness like a common cold or flu.  While there is no direct evidence that brushing and flossing actually help protect you from a cold or the…

5 Tips For Buying Motorcycle Insurance

Planning on taking out motorbike insurance? This is one of the most important steps that you need to take after purchasing a motorbike and it is important to take your time so that you find the right level of cover…