Author Archives: Jori Hamilton

8 Ways Covid Has Changed Our Lives Forever

The past two years have changed our lives forever. We’ve become experts in public health and have spent countless hours working and socializing remotely via Zoom and virtual reality platforms. As we approach our third year of life with Covid,…

How to Plan a Real Staycation

Staycations are often overlooked when people are considering a getaway. Sometimes, they’re viewed as “gimmicky”,  other times people simply don’t think there’s much to do in their own communities. But, staycations are seeing a rise in popularity. A lot of…

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Screen Time on the Brain

Screens are a major part of life. Fifty years ago people spent an hour watching the evening news each day and occasionally went to the movies. Now, they check their phones, use their computers, and watch their televisions around the…

Business Skills That Will Help You Get That Promotion

According to a study done by ADP Research Institute, “On average, employers will promote 8.9 percent of their employees annually, and those employees will receive an average wage increase of 17.4 percent.” If these numbers look small, they are. Which…

Tips for Starting a Farmer’s Market Booth

Farmer’s markets are nothing new. But, they’ve been gaining popularity across the country in recent years. As people are trying to practice more sustainable lifestyles, purchasing local foods and goods has become a priority. There have been lengthy studies as…

Planning Holiday Travels During a Pandemic

There’s no doubt that 2021 has been a year for the ages. For a short period of time after the vaccine was released, it looked like we might be able to get back to normal. Unfortunately, the delta variant and…

career change

Discussing Career Changes with your Partner

A career change can be an exciting time for anybody. Thinking about the opportunities, lifestyle upgrades, and just how awesome it’s going to be to do something different is exhilarating. However, as positive as you may be about changing careers,…


Lifestyle Adjustments to Maximize Your Workout Recovery

Working out is a way of life for millions of people across the country. Whether you get in a good cardio routine a few times a week or you go for intense training sessions at the gym, no matter your…

Preparing for a Career in Commerce: B2B or B2C

Our contemporary commercial landscape holds some interesting opportunities. Not the least of which is the rise of the digital age making the global marketplace more accessible. E-commerce has been particularly successful, with sales expected to reach $4.2 trillion this year….

Personal Development: Is It Time to Switch Careers?

It’s 6:30 a.m., your alarm is going off, and all you want to do is hide under the covers. Come to think of it, that’s all you’ve wanted to do every weekday morning for months. Or has it been years?…