Author Archives: markmunroe

About markmunroe

Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

TESTED: WAMA Hemp Underwear

Over the last decade of running a magazine, I have to admit, I’ve tested a lot of undies. So, whenever I come across a new brand, I’m always apprehensive when it comes to testing, but, I’m happy this time around…

Eat to Nourish and Honor Your Body

How many times have you been told that “you are what you eat”? And how many times have you paused to think about how much truth there is in that saying? The foods you eat will directly impact everything about…

Workers Compensation – Understanding the Basics

In nearly all American states, businesses must buy workers’ compensation insurance. Employees need financial help with medical bills and partially lost wages when injured or sick at work. Getting quality coverage is critical for the safety of your team members…

11th Annual RBC Race For The Kids

Registration is now open for the 2023 RBC Race for the Kids, in support of Sunnybrook’s Family Navigation Project (FNP). The 11th annual event will take place at Mel Lastman Square in Toronto on Saturday, September 23 with a 5 km walk/run. In Canada, as many as…

Summer Camping Essentials

If you’re anything like me, you love camping. With the warm weather, being in the great outdoors, time frolicking with your furry friend, and sleeping under the stars, camping is a great way to spend your summer before the weather…

World’s Most Beautiful Waterfalls Accessible by Road Trip

I’ve always disagreed with TLC, I think you should go chasing waterfalls, and that’s precisely what I have done time and time again, and it is no surprise why. Waterfalls often captivate travellers with their raw power and natural beauty….