Author Archives: markmunroe

About markmunroe

Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

The Best Options for a Meat Free BBQ

While I’m the first to admit I love all food, many people either can’t or won’t eat a particular food, and I’ve always had the utmost respect for that. So much so that even though I eat meat, I always…

Why Do Elite Athletes Take Creatine Supplements?

Elite athletes may have more natural talent than the average person, but their innate attributes are really just half the story in terms of how they can achieve the physical feats that they do. The rest comes down to a…

Relocating and How to Do It Right

For as long as you can remember, you have always had the travel bug; your mind wanders to the potential adventures you could be having, and you wish you could experience this every single day. You are always looking for…

5 Ways to Create a Calming Living Space

The last two years haven’t been easy for most of us. One way or another, we’ve been affected by COVID-related stressors. As things start to look up, our focus may shift away from ourselves to our jobs and family, but…

Must-have Sunscreens for Summer 2021 

Summer is in full swing, and with that comes long sunny days. Now I’ll admit when I was a teenager, and into my early 20’s I didn’t put sunscreen on often, and as a result, there were many times when…

How to Make Your Vacation Memorable for Your Children

Vacations are by design meant to be memorable! So instead of trying to force happiness and excitement, try some of these fun ways to make your holiday more memorable and fun for everyone involved. With the right attitude and an…

5 Ground Rules for Reconciling with an Ex

After breaking up with someone you’ve been with for a long time, you may start having regrets about ending the relationship. If your ex is having the same thoughts, then you may wish to reconcile. Before jumping back into a…

Simple Hacks To Scale Back Spending

Do you ever feel like your money seems to disappear, or are you surprised when you check your account balance? It can be challenging to keep track of spending in an age where you can buy anything at the touch…

3 Financial Lessons Millennials Should Be Practicing Right Now

With millennials poised to surpass Baby Boomers to become America’s largest generation, the entire landscape is changing. The culture, values and goals held by millennials are not necessarily aligned with those of older generations and therefore, the same traditional solutions…