Author Archives: markmunroe

About markmunroe

Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

Expert Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy

Staying fit and healthy isn’t easy, especially if you have a busy work life. It can be challenging to find the time to plan a proper diet, let alone exercise. If you want to live a long, happy life, you…

local art

Why Supporting Local Arts & Entertainment is Important

There are many good reasons to support your local arts and entertainment community. Whether it means simply finding something enjoyable to do this weekend or a long-term commitment that supports the community as a whole, the arts community is woven…

take a break

Feeling stressed? Maybe it’s time to take a break

Many, like me, have found themselves exclusively working at home the last two years, and while that comes with all sorts of perks, it also means that you have the ability, for better or worse, to work from the time…

far cry 6

Giveaway: Get Gaming with the new Far Cry 6

I’ll admit that I’m entirely out of the loop when it comes to gaming, but while I’m behind the times, I realize much of the world isn’t, and from what I’ve been told, Far Cry 6, which was released last…


We Take the Leap into Cryptocurrency with Coinsmart

While I’ve always had a great understanding of banking, investments, and finance in general, having worked for a major bank many years ago, I must admit that I don’t know all that much about cryptocurrency beyond the basics. A cryptocurrency…

Is Driving Costing You More Than it Should?

Forty years ago, my parents bought their first house for 45,000 dollars. Today the same home would be about 1.6 million. The issue? My father’s salary for the same job today would be about 80,000, so instead of requiring just…

How to Design a Front Porch That Makes Your Home Stand Out

Want to up the curb appeal of your home before putting it on the market? Whether you’re in Toronto, Vancouver or getting into Halton real estate, curb appeal and a well-designed front porch and yard make a big difference when…

TESTED: Ten Thousand Training Essentials

I’m not sure about you, but it’s been far too long since I updated my fitness gear, so when I came across an AD on Instagram showcasing some fantastic looking men’s shorts and shirts from a brand called Ten Thousand,…