Author Archives: markmunroe

About markmunroe

Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

Unavoidable Signs It’s Time For You To Move House

Are you looking for signs that it’s time for you to move house? The fact that you’re even looking for signs is a sign in itself. However, you can’t go by that alone. It would help if you looked for…

Alternative Food Trends This Winter

As we move into another decade of shared ideas around the Internet, the growth of ethical food alternatives’ continues to increase and diversify. There are now more options than ever before for those who wish to avoid animal cruelty and…

Top Tips to Help Succeed in Essay Writing

Each essay is a new opportunity to make yourself better. However, if you write essays more often, it’s easy to get stuck on the same formulae, especially if you receive positive feedback from your readers. But how can you improve…

Business situation, job interview concept.

8 Tips on Selecting the Right Recruiting Agency

Looking for a way to optimise the work of an organisation? The solution may be to contact a recruiting agency. It will help you find qualified employees for a particular position you need. It’s not a secret for anyone that…

The (RED) Gift Guide: Gifting that gives back

Over a decade ago, I was introduced to (RED), and ever since I’ve been a huge supporter and for a good reason. Who those of you who aren’t yet aware, (RED) is a charity that partners with major brands to…

New mandatory requirements applicable to travellers to Canada

For those leaving and coming back to Canada, or those who’ve been away throughout the pandemic and are finally coming home, please acquaint yourself with the latest information and tools for the Government of Canada so you may arrive safely…

How To Write Ideal Affirmations For You And Your Happiness

Manifestation and affirmations seem to have taken the world by storm. While some people might feel silly talking themselves up in the mirror while brushing their teeth, manifestation is much more than that. It is a form of self affirmation,…

Tested: Revive Superfoods Smoothies

We’ve been told over and over to eat our veggies. Our parents told us that when we were kids, the school system should have taught us that as teens, and every food guide and health writer has been telling us…

Is there a data cap for AT&T or U-verse internet?

At some point in using your home internet service, you may exceed your data allowance for the month. This is called a data cap, also known as fair use policy. Many find it frustrating to have to pay extra to…