Author Archives: Nadia Elkharadly

About Nadia Elkharadly

Nadia Elkharadly is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Addicted Magazine. Her myriad of addictions include music, fashion, travel, technology, boxing and trying to make the world a better place. Nadia is also a feminist, an animal lover, and a neverending dreamer. Keep up with her on social media through @thenadiae.

Days of Giving – 2: Save your skin this holiday season with L’Occitane

It’s the second day of the Days of Giving, and we’ve partnered with L’Occitane to giveaway some luxurious skincare goodies, with some holiday flair. L’Occitane is a brand that prides itself on combining tried and true expertise and high quality…

#supportsmallbusiness: The ADDICTED Shopping Directory

Hello and happy almost holidays ADDICTED readers!  If you follow me or Mark on social media then I’m sure you’ve seen us speak on the plight of small businesses, and the blows they’ve endured thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. From…

COVID-19 can’t keep the Contessa Awards down

For the past few years I’ve had the pleasure of attending the Contessa Awards, the Canadian beauty industry’s celebration of excellence and achievement.  This year however, I knew that COVID-19 would change the way the awards happened, but thankfully the…

Want to talk to animals? Here’s how it’s done

There was a time when if you had told me that conversing in a Doctor Doolittle manner with animals was possible, I would have replied, nonsense!
  But I was proven wrong.  Within 6 months of being proven wrong I was…

Need a mask? This company is giving one million of them away

As Canada’s Prime Minister recently said, “this pandemic, it sucks”.  Truer words may have never been spoken.  The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us in one form or another, and unless one of you dear readers happens to be…

Home for Halloween – 4 things for a spooktacular night in

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, Halloween! While 2020 has been a real-life horror all in itself, it’s still kinda cool that we get to have a Spooky Saturday before the election results provide more fodder for our…

The New Age of The Office: Work Where You Are

*Written by fashion maven and PR powerhouse Gail McInnes.  Gail is the founder and principle of fashion public relations agency Magnet Creative Managment, co-founder of Stylist Box and guru of all things Canadian fashion.  Gail is also a working mom…