Bank Branch or Doorstep Delivery: Decide on the Fastest Ways to Transfer Money to Ukraine

Deciding how to send cash to Ukraine? You’ve got choices with Meest: hit up the bank branch or get it delivered right to the recipient’s door. Each has its upsides. Going to the bank is secure and official, but is it doorstep delivery? It’s all about staying comfy and having things come to you hassle-free. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of each method of transferring money to Ukraine and when each would be appropriate.


Transferring Cash to a Bank Branch in Ukraine

Banks are all about trust and guarantees. If you want to send money from Canada to Ukraine without stressing over delays, scams, or delivery issues, stick with the banking system. Here’s why it’s a solid choice:

  1. Safe and Sound: Your money travels through established banking channels, so it’s in good hands — no worries about getting lost in transit.
  2. On-Time Arrival: Major Ukrainian players, like PrivatBank and Aval, are partners with Meest Canada, meaning your cash gets where it needs to be, usually by the next business day.
  3. No Fuss, Just Pick Up: Once you hit send, the receiver can immediately swing by their local branch and grab the easy money.


Delivery to the Recipient’s Doorstep

If you’d rather have the cash show up right at your friend’s door, Meest Canada’s got you covered. Here’s why doorstep international money transfer to Ukraine rocks:

  1. Home Sweet Home: Imagine the convenience — money delivered straight to their doorstep. There is no need to brave traffic or lines at the bank.
  2. Far and Wide: This is perfect for Ukrainians in the provinces without a nearby bank. It’s the ultimate convenience, ensuring they get what they need without an effort.
  3. Chill and Wait for the Delivery: Your recipient can relax and wait for their delivery. It’s all about making life easier, one doorstep at a time.

Whether it’s a quick bank pick-up or doorstep delight, Meest Canada makes sure your money gets where it needs to go hassle-free and with a smile.


Costs of Sending Money to Ukraine: Bank Branch vs Doorstep Delivery

The important thing is the price. Meest Canada has affordable rates, which you can check on our website. If you go with banks, the cost depends on how much you’re sending. It’s easy and ensures your money gets there fast and safely.

If you opt for doorstep delivery, Meest Canada offers competitive rates that ensure convenience. Costs may vary based on the delivery location within Ukraine and the amount transferred. This option provides the added benefit of bringing the money directly to your recipient’s home, making it a convenient choice for those who prefer not to visit a bank branch.


What’s the Cheapest Way to Send Money to Ukraine?

Are you planning to send money to Ukraine without overpaying fees? Bank transfers are your go-to. They typically have lower costs compared to doorstep delivery. However, there’s always the risk of exchange rate losses, so it’s essential to check before deciding which bank to go with. Additionally, the speed of transfer and convenience factors should be considered.


Meest Canada is about making life easier for our customers, no matter how you send money. We get it — supporting your loved ones is crucial, especially when they’re far away. We aim to break down those barriers, even if just for a while, and help you stay connected. Send gifts, share financial support, and spread some good vibes. Whether it’s door-to-door or to a bank branch, we’ve got you covered!



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!