Benefits of Living in an RV

Living it up in a recreational vehicle (RV) is an opportunity for adventure and discovery. It’s a mobile lifestyle that allows you to travel wherever you want, whenever you want–so, it’s no surprise that more and more Canadians are packing their homes to try it out.

Here are some of the benefits of living in an RV:


You Get So Much Freedom

Living in an RV grants a sense of freedom like no other. You can travel anywhere you want, bringing along everything you need. You’ll always have a bed to sleep in, a stove to cook from, and a toilet–no matter where you are.

Once you’re bored of one place (or just simply wish to see another), you can pack up and go on another adventure.


The Cost of Living Is Cheaper

A permanent home incurs a lot of day-to-day expenses, including rent or mortgage, utilities, etc. A motorhome may end up being the cheaper housing option, especially because your biggest expense is the cost of the RV itself. Of course, there will still be bills to pay, such as campground rent, gas, and RV insurance, but these will generally still cost less in the long run.


You Can Live More Simply

RV living presents the opportunity to live a minimalist lifestyle. You can’t take a lot into a motorhome, which forces you to take stock of what’s really important. 

Fewer things also mean fewer responsibilities. You don’t have to deal with clutter or worry about not having enough storage, and with a smaller space, you have less to clean and maintain.


You Can Always Meet New People

One of the biggest appeals of travelling is the connections you make with the people you meet along the way. Because living in an RV means you’ll likely be moving from one place to another, you always have plenty of opportunities to expand your network. You can meet other RV owners, campers, and travellers, learn from them, and make lasting friendships.


Nature Is Everywhere

Travelling in an RV means you have the choice to park anywhere (as long as it’s a dedicated space or you have permission), so you can always opt to be closer to nature. Living in Canada makes this advantage even more appealing, given the country’s majestic landscape. Being in nature makes you more relaxed–which, in itself, is another pro.


You’re Closer to Family

Embracing the RV lifestyle will also mean that you’re always close to the people you’re with. It gives you the chance to build stronger connections with your family as you explore the world and share experiences together.


Living in an RV

Times have changed, and it’s become easier than ever to adopt a nomadic lifestyle. Before you make the switch, however, you may want to consider if you’re okay with the lack of a permanent address, restricted living spaces, and the unavailability of common conveniences. Once you have all that figured out, the RV lifestyle might be something worth considering.



Jessica Alexander

Jessica Alexander

I've always loved to write, but I'd never want to be famous. So, I write as Jessica A. over here at ADDICTED. You can think of my like Carmen Sandiego, you trust me, but where in the world am I?