Category: Beauty

Learning to age gracefully: My consultation with ICLS Dermatology and Plastic Surgery

“She looks amazing!” “Like she’s just come back from vacation!” “I wonder what she’s had done….” “Have YOU had anything done?” The older I get, I find myself having many conversations like this one.  It’s a topic that comes up…

Are Spa Treatments For Men Beneficial?

The number of men going to spas is increasing, rising from 29% in 2005 to 49% in 2017, with the upward trend continuing into 2021. More and more men are aware that going to the spa is not just about being…


Top 4 Reasons Why Korean Skincare Is so Amazing

From beauty influencers to the most popular bloggers and YouTubers – it seems that everyone in the world (and their mother) is raving about Korean skincare products. However, we must say that the hype that surrounds these products is completely…

Tested: Every Man Jack

I was recently online and saw an ad for Every Man Jack. I scrolled through the products and, by the end, really wanted to try them out, so I hit up google to learn more. Clean ingredients, responsibly made by…

The Biggest Men’s Hair Trends For 2021

Now that we have settled into the new year, there’s no better time to give your hairstyle a makeover and try on a new look. Like the previous year, hair trends for 2021 are all about bold cuts and styles…

How to Feel More Confident in Your Appearance

Have you ever envied those people that walk into a room of strangers oozing self-confidence? If so, you are not alone as a lack of confidence is something that many people struggle with, especially when it comes to their appearance….

Top 8 Best Japanese Scissors

Are you looking for a new pair of scissors for yourself? Or perhaps you are starting a haircutting business? In each case, you have to think about getting the right equipment to get the job done. Photo by Nick Demou   …