Category: Featured

Aging Progressively with Bonlook – Win your own glasses too!

I’ve worn glasses since I was a teenager, when my teacher thought I wasn’t paying attention in math class becase I struggled to see the blackboard from the back of the room.  As it turned out, that was part of…


Australian Spots Definitely Worth Visiting in 2022

As the pandemic scare is leveling down, the global thirst for traveling is growing more and more. Countries are finally welcoming all visitors and offering tourists a wide variety of places to see. In 2022, people will definitely travel much…

Get Cleaning to Give Back this Spring with (RED)

Over the years, there have been so many great charities and non-profits that I’ve been fortunate enough to learn about and learn from. One of those fantastic entities is (RED). Today, over 25 million people living with HIV have access…

Father John Misty – Chloë and The Next 20th Century

Arguably one of the best songwriters of the 21st Century looks back to the 20th for his new album Almost four years since Josh Tillman released his last studio album, God’s Favorite Customer, today his latest endeavour, Chloë and The…

5 Tips to Prepare for The Best Motorcycle Road Trip

Only by riding a motorcycle can you truly experience a fantastic holiday and understand what authentic adventure delights are. From mountains and lakes to beaches and resorts, with a motorcycle, you can plan out a perfect holiday and have a…

How Painting Properly Can Immediately Change Any Space

Here’s the thing, most great things in life don’t just happen, they take planning and hard work, and the same goes with painting. You can wing it and hope for the best, or take the time, plan it out, and…

How to Turn a Barn into a Guesthouse

The old barn with a solid foundation in your backyard doesn’t get as much use as it once did. Now, it just occupies space. So, why not convert it into a beautiful and functional guesthouse? This budding trend will allow…

How To Improve Your Relationship In Marriage

A marriage is a commitment to love, cherish and honour your other half in sickness and in health. It’s an exciting time in any couple’s lives and a celebration of their relationship. However, over time it’s easy to become complacent…