Category: Featured


Top Tips On Getting The Promotion You Deserve

When you’re in a career you love, you can often feel like you’re living the dream. You go to work every day to do something you enjoy. So much so that it never feels like work – a blessing instead….

The Reheat: Jerry Seinfeld Dated a Teenager and Got Away With It

Hello, and welcome to The Reheat! Each week, I write a column summarizing the highlights of the podcast I co-host with Sadaf Ahsan. Our podcast, also titled The Reheat (what a coincidence!), re-examines the most salacious scandals of yester-year through…

Improve Your Resume

Five Sure-Fire Ways to Improve Your Resume

Do you feel that you are the perfect candidate for a specific professional position? If so, you are certainly not alone. Recent findings suggest that you can expect a rise in wages due to increased levels of competition which is…

career change

Discussing Career Changes with your Partner

A career change can be an exciting time for anybody. Thinking about the opportunities, lifestyle upgrades, and just how awesome it’s going to be to do something different is exhilarating. However, as positive as you may be about changing careers,…

The Best Alternative Protein Sources You Need To Try

Who says that you have to rely on soy as the only alternative protein source? Maybe ten or twenty years ago, that was the case, but now we know that protein exists in a plethora of invaluable sources, including vegetables…

full Body Workout

4 Great Full Body Workout Techniques

Incorporating techniques into your full-body workout that combines fat-burning cardio with building strength and muscle across your whole body is a great way to stay fit while making your workouts more effective. Full-body exercises engage a variety of muscle groups…

right mattress

Find the Right Mattress For Your Sleeping Position

There is never a one size fits all solution to our needs. Take sleeping, for instance. It seems like a mattress is just a mattress as long as it’s comfortable, but finding the right mattress for your sleep position is…

How to save money for travel in five somewhat easy steps

The thought of going travelling can be daunting when we don’t have a large pot of money to fall back on, and as we know, it can be hard to save money for anything, let alone vacation. However, the benefits…

Key to Helping Strengthen the Hospitality Sector

Digitization and the use of data have entered a heightened phase due to the current global situation, with new demands — including social distancing, enhanced hygiene, and diversification — forcing hotels, resorts, and restaurants to embrace new technologies. Implementing new…

Top Ways For Couples To Improve Their Sex Life

If you’ve noticed that you and your partner’s sex life has declined, then it’s crucial to your relationship’s success and longevity that you rejuvenate it. Sex is good for both mental and physical health. It’s been proven time and time…