Category: Featured


Using Fashion and Culture to Define Your Interests and Self-Image

Being a beautiful and unique snowflake might seem like the easiest thing in the world, but it’s much harder than you think. Defining your personality and being ready to accept your flaws are two of the most challenging things you’ll…

How to Cope With Work Stress If You’re an Introvert

Being an introvert is hard in this dog-eat-dog world we’re living in. Reserved, quiet and calm individuals face difficulties in all aspects of their lives because others perceive them as shy, humble and easy to ignore. That’s why more dominating…

3 Tips on How to Live a More Environmentally Sustainable Life

What is sustainability? Many natural resources are nonrenewable, meaning that once they’re used up, there’s no way to get them back. Environmental sustainability seeks to avoid using up all or too much of our natural resources, both nonrenewable and renewable….

The Best Options for a Meat Free BBQ

While I’m the first to admit I love all food, many people either can’t or won’t eat a particular food, and I’ve always had the utmost respect for that. So much so that even though I eat meat, I always…

Emma Cook is standing in a field at sunrise. The sun is rising behind her. She is looking to the left and has her back facing away from the camera.

Premiere: Emma Cook Searches for Freedom in Messed It Up

Toronto musician Emma Cook is searching for freedom in the release of her latest video for Messed It Up, a beautiful new track with a simple message, “Messed It Up tells the universal story of how life can constrict and…

Why Do Elite Athletes Take Creatine Supplements?

Elite athletes may have more natural talent than the average person, but their innate attributes are really just half the story in terms of how they can achieve the physical feats that they do. The rest comes down to a…

2021 eMERGEnce banner. A photo of a woman smiling in a crowded room is placed on top of a purple border. Text on top reads Call for Applications. The Emergence Music Incubator logo is in the top right corner.

Small World Music Announces 2021 eMERGEnce Music Incubator

Small World Music announces the 2021 edition of their eMERGEnce Music Incubator. The incubator is a program driving professional growth and creation for newcomer, refugee, and equity-deserving emerging artists. Small World Music is seeking applications for the approximate nine-month program (September 2021…


Why Switch To Rye Flour in Your Diet

If you often visit the grocery store for bread, you probably know that there you dozens of bread options—white bread, whole-wheat, multigrain, the list goes on and on. There’s probably one type of bread that you might notice on the…

Caroline Marie Brooks press photo. Caroline is sitting by a window playing the guitar.

Caroline Marie Brooks Releases Dreamy New Single Vitamin

Caroline Marie Brooks (of Good Lovelies) has released Vitamin, a beautiful new track on the passing of time and celebrating the small, magical moments in our everyday lives. “Vitamin seeks to find beauty in the mundane day-to-day and the messiness…