Category: Health

5 Tips for Lasting Energy, All Day, Every Day

M.K. Fisher nailed it when she said, “First we eat, then we do everything else.” Food is your body’s fuel. It affects not only your mood and daily performance but keeps your immune system strong. Our body’s energy reserves need…

The Signs & Symptoms Of A Bad Mattress

Sleep is such an important function of our body, our health and well being really suffers if we don’t get enough. Many of us rarely pay attention to just how much we’re getting through, and if we’re not getting enough…

Men’s Guide to a Self-Esteem Boost

To succeed in life (your professional one and your private one), you need to have great self-esteem – which doesn’t come so easily to everybody. Men are just as susceptible to low self-esteem as women are; the difference is that…

Proven Ways to Effectively Quit Smoking

Are you looking to quit smoking? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, millions of people try to quit smoking, but only a small percentage are successful. Why is it so hard to quit smoking? There are many reasons, but…

TESTED: Leaves Bar by Attitude

When it comes to great natural products, we’ve come to depend on ATTITUDE as our go-to. ATTITUDE makes natural personal care & cosmetics in Canada formulated with naturally derived ingredients for those not yet aware. Their products are Cruelty-Free &…

6 Modern Solution To Age-Old Mental Health Issues

We all know that mental health is important, but sometimes it’s hard to take the time and energy we need to make sure we are really in a good headspace. So, just a reminder to anyone reading this, whether young…

How to Eat Your Way to Healthier Hair

Taking care of your hair is always something you should be thinking about if you are serious about looking your best. There are a lot of hair care products on the market, and while many of them help keep your…

TESTED: The Cuisinart Juice Extractor

Over the years, I have to admit, I’ve had a been love for fresh juice. Whether on a trip to tropical climates or picking up some fresh-pressed from a local store, it’s always been something I’ve enjoyed. That being said,…