Category: Health

Why Those with Hernias Should Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Understanding how hernias function in your body, and what can bother them, is key to both treatment and prevention. However, other harmful lifestyle choices and habits can massively play into the hernia factor. Especially when it comes to smoking and…

How To Improve The Meals You Cook At Home

Cooking is a great hobby to get into, however with 25% of Brits saying they feel too overworked to cook, and 51% spending less than 30 minutes on their home cooked meals, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that a good…

Things to consider when close to retirement age

So, your retirement is just a couple of years away. Though it’s been coming for years, finishing work can still seem complicated when the time comes. Keep reading for some important things you’ll definitely want to consider before retiring.  …

Five Things You Should Do By Thirty

For longer than I care to remember, I’ve read articles telling me what I should have achieved by the time I was a certain age. Twenty-one, twenty-five, thirty, forty, even fifty and sixty; we’re led to believe that if we…

8 Ways Covid Has Changed Our Lives Forever

The past two years have changed our lives forever. We’ve become experts in public health and have spent countless hours working and socializing remotely via Zoom and virtual reality platforms. As we approach our third year of life with Covid,…

Italy extends Covid rules for most international arrivals

With the number of hospitalizations dropping in Italy and the immunization rates expanding every day, the country’s COVID-19 circumstance has essentially worked on. The nation is now in a crisis state as it arose out of a lockdown that went…

Does your oral hygiene routine help prevent seasonal illness?

Along with the cold weather comes the increased risk of picking up a seasonal illness like a common cold or flu.  While there is no direct evidence that brushing and flossing actually help protect you from a cold or the…

How to Plan a Real Staycation

Staycations are often overlooked when people are considering a getaway. Sometimes, they’re viewed as “gimmicky”,  other times people simply don’t think there’s much to do in their own communities. But, staycations are seeing a rise in popularity. A lot of…

How to Help Someone Recover from Substance Addiction

Substance abuse is a major public health concern. According to a 2017 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 19.7 million Americans aged 12 and older had some form of substance abuse disorder. Photo by Min An…