Category: Health

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Screen Time on the Brain

Screens are a major part of life. Fifty years ago people spent an hour watching the evening news each day and occasionally went to the movies. Now, they check their phones, use their computers, and watch their televisions around the…

The 9 Best Ways to Blow off Steam

There are plenty of reasons you may want to blow off steam. Work may be a hassle at the moment, there’s a lot on your plate right now, or you feel like you haven’t had any time to yourself in…

Having Sleeping Problems? Here’s What You Can Do

Do you find yourself craving sleep and yawning all day long? A lack of sleep can cause several different complications for your health, not to mention the toll it takes on your mental well-being. This blog post will provide some…

Medical Cannabis

4 Benefits of Medical Cannabis Everyone Should Know About

Medical cannabis has been used to treat various ailments and conditions for centuries, and it has recently become much more mainstream in the US., with many states legalizing its use. With so many people turning to medical cannabis as an…

Expert Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy

Staying fit and healthy isn’t easy, especially if you have a busy work life. It can be challenging to find the time to plan a proper diet, let alone exercise. If you want to live a long, happy life, you…

The Best Alternative Protein Sources You Need To Try

Who says that you have to rely on soy as the only alternative protein source? Maybe ten or twenty years ago, that was the case, but now we know that protein exists in a plethora of invaluable sources, including vegetables…

Workplace Health And Safety Tips That Every Business Owner Should Know

For small firms, workplace safety is a critical factor. It can safeguard you and your staff from work-related accidents or diseases. A dangerous workplace can result in concerns such as workforce shortages, missed deadlines, and higher workers’ compensation costs, all…

The Importance of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that sleep is just as crucial to our health as breathing and eating? Our bodies need sleep to recover from both physical and mental exertion during the day. We spend approximately a third of our lives sleeping,…

TESTED: Soylent

When it comes to eating a balanced diet, we could probably all improve. There are days when I’m sure, like me, you do well with your eating and other days, not so much. Work and stress affect my eating and…