Category: Lifestyle


Organisation Tips for Entrepreneurs

Running your business and stepping in the entrepreneurs’ waters will take a lot of effort, sacrifice and determination. If you wish to make your business one of the most successful, you’ll need to know how to be a good entrepreneur….

Renting vs Buying: Taking a Look at the UK Housing Market

Whether in Canada, the US or the UK, renting versus buying has always made for a heated debate within the real estate community and renters and buyers alike. Though many want to prove that one is better than the other,…

6 Ways To Have A Memorable Valentine’s Day This Year

Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love, relationships, and the one special person in your life. It’s time to let them know that they’re important to you. So this year, why not try a new way to celebrate Valentine’s…

How to Take Your Trading Efforts to a New Level Next Year

The New Year is always a time for reflection, as we set brand new resolutions in a bid to improve our relationships, physical health and earning potential. This is borne out by the fact that forex trading volumes tend to…

Giveaway: Nourish all the skin you’re in with ATTITUDE

For those not yet aware, fall is well underway. That means frosty mornings and cool days, time for holiday parties and catching up with family and friends, and if you’re anything like me, those joys also come with the discomfort…

Men’s Must-Have Winter Accessories

While winter may not technically have arrived quite yet, it sure does feel like it. With snow underfoot and those blustery winds winding their way through the streets, it’s the time of year that we make sure we have all…


Practical Tips to Ensure Successful Business Workflow Automation

The term workflow automation refers to a process that involves incorporating technology to carry out a variety of repetitive work tasks. When discussing workflow automation, two concepts need to be defined: business process automation (BPA) and robotic process automation (RPA)….

Understanding the Cannabis Laws in DC

Cannabis is one of the world’s most popular recreational drugs. There are also myriad health benefits associated with it, which has led to its widespread legalization. Many American states have already legalized Cannabis, and many more will inevitably follow in…

How to Help Someone Recover from Substance Addiction

Substance abuse is a major public health concern. According to a 2017 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, about 19.7 million Americans aged 12 and older had some form of substance abuse disorder. Photo by Min An…