Category: Lifestyle

Business situation, job interview concept.

8 Tips on Selecting the Right Recruiting Agency

Looking for a way to optimise the work of an organisation? The solution may be to contact a recruiting agency. It will help you find qualified employees for a particular position you need. It’s not a secret for anyone that…

The (RED) Gift Guide: Gifting that gives back

Over a decade ago, I was introduced to (RED), and ever since I’ve been a huge supporter and for a good reason. Who those of you who aren’t yet aware, (RED) is a charity that partners with major brands to…

New mandatory requirements applicable to travellers to Canada

For those leaving and coming back to Canada, or those who’ve been away throughout the pandemic and are finally coming home, please acquaint yourself with the latest information and tools for the Government of Canada so you may arrive safely…

How To Write Ideal Affirmations For You And Your Happiness

Manifestation and affirmations seem to have taken the world by storm. While some people might feel silly talking themselves up in the mirror while brushing their teeth, manifestation is much more than that. It is a form of self affirmation,…

5 Interesting Custom Gift Packaging Ideas You Have To Check Out

Gifts are fantastic, but recipients will be even more impressed if you wrap them in gorgeous packaging. From stickers and ribbons to bags and labels, these are all ways to make your presents as impactful and memorable as possible. If…

Tips for Buying Your First Home

Buying a home is an enormous undertaking for anyone, and it can be overwhelming the first time around. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to not walk into it blind. Doing your research and being…

Want to talk to animals? Here’s how it’s done

There was a time when if you had told me that conversing in a Doctor Doolittle manner with animals was possible, I would have replied, nonsense!
  But I was proven wrong.  Within 6 months of being proven wrong I was…

Need a mask? This company is giving one million of them away

As Canada’s Prime Minister recently said, “this pandemic, it sucks”.  Truer words may have never been spoken.  The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us in one form or another, and unless one of you dear readers happens to be…