Category: Tech

5 Best Gifts For A True Gamer

Aside from the most popular consoles, PC parts, and games, there are also other things that a gamer needs and loves. If you’re interested in that, please read on. In the following sections, we’d listed the five best gifts for…

The Best Game Streaming Platforms for 2021

Whether you want to stream your favourite games or watch others playing, there are a growing number of game streaming platforms out there. Here are the best ones to use in 2021.   Twitch  Twitch remains the granddaddy of game…

How to Remove Everything You’ve Found About Yourself on Google

Whether you’re a public figure, a social media influencer, or an ordinary individual active online, the internet knows more about you than you think. This can be outright dangerous for you and your identity. If you can’t see how, you’re…

The best wireless charger we’ve tested

Over the last couple of years, wireless chargers have become more popular, and with the rise in want from the market, more and more companies have popped up with their version or offering, so we thought we would test a…

5 Best eCommerce Design Solutions For 2021

When running an e-commerce business, it will sometimes feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. The reason behind this is fairly simple – a lot of people are afraid of an online hoax. Just think about it, you’re asking people…

Celebrating Black Creators on TikTok for Black History Month

It’s now February which means it’s Black History Month in Canada and the US. This period brings a time to learn, a time to change, a time to work towards an equal world. Now that could mean having uncomfortable conversations…

How to Prevent Online Companies from Collecting your Data

While the Internet has opened our lives to amazing possibilities, there is one downside that concerns many users. If you guessed that it has to do with privacy issues, pat yourself on the back, because that’s one of the most…

The 6 Best iPhone Accessories

An iPhone wouldn’t be complete without several apps, upgrades, and useful accessories. If you have an iPhone, chances are that you’ve noticed just how many accessories are available on the market. It can be challenging to distinguish between the gimmicky…

Is there a data cap for AT&T or U-verse internet?

At some point in using your home internet service, you may exceed your data allowance for the month. This is called a data cap, also known as fair use policy. Many find it frustrating to have to pay extra to…

The New Age of The Office: Work Where You Are

*Written by fashion maven and PR powerhouse Gail McInnes.  Gail is the founder and principle of fashion public relations agency Magnet Creative Managment, co-founder of Stylist Box and guru of all things Canadian fashion.  Gail is also a working mom…