Chandra Nair’s “Smile (No Fox Gibbon)”: An Anthem for Letting Go

With his most recent singles, “Lighters to the Sky” and “Pretty,” earning nearly 30,000 streams each on Spotify, pop-rock individualist Chandra Nair has captured both fans’ and critics’ attention. Now, he’s back with another uplifting track, “Smile (No Fox Gibbon),” which was released in the fall.

“Smile (No Fox Gibbon)” is a clever play on words, transforming the popular phrase into a cheeky, yet profound message about not worrying what others think. True to his unique style, Chandra Nair offers his own twist on this idea. Instead of advocating for apathy, he encourages listeners to find amusement in life’s little moments and to embrace the “No Fox Gibbon” approach. It’s about those genuinely funny moments that pull us out of our egos and reveal our true selves.

We all experience those times during the day when something makes us smile or laugh uncontrollably, whether it’s a funny memory or an amusing sight. In public, however, we often suppress these joyous reactions to avoid drawing attention. Chandra’s song addresses this common tendency to self-censor our happiness. He confesses that he’s often guilty of this himself, describing how it’s become an automatic response for him. Through “Smile,” he expresses a desire to change this habit and encourages others to do the same. Imagine a world where we all cared a little less about who might be watching and allowed ourselves to fully enjoy those amazing moments.

The Bristol artist’s positive spin on this relatable issue is refreshing and inspiring. Chandra Nair suggests that being present with one’s joy is a natural state and, sometimes, all it takes is a simple smile to embrace the “No Fox Gibbon” attitude.

Musically, “Smile” maintains Chandra’s signature upbeat style, but the exploration of deeper themes like self-consciousness and doubt gives it a pop-punk edge. This track is a cheeky, fun musical romp that also showcases Chandra’s growth as an artist. He’s more comfortable than ever being genuine and putting out work that he loves. With “Smile (No Fox Gibbon),” Chandra Nair invites us all to let go, live in the moment, and smile like there are absolutely no f**ks given.


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Nadia Elkharadly

Nadia Elkharadly

Nadia Elkharadly is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Addicted Magazine. Her myriad of addictions include music, fashion, travel, technology, boxing and trying to make the world a better place. Nadia is also a feminist, an animal lover, and a neverending dreamer. Keep up with her on social media through @thenadiae.
Nadia Elkharadly