Finding the Truth in Health with MyFitnessPal App

In the era of knowledge, misinformation is rampant. As social media apps want more and more people to create content, fewer posts are being vetted for their credibility resulting in unfortunate realities. With navigating the truth on social media left to the consumer, many are taking what they hear on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram at face value. One market that is being greatly impacted by this is health and fitness. Many are seeing creators with great bodies and physiques give recommendations that are untrue, inaccurate or worse – completely harmful. We spoke with Denise Hernandez, a Food Data Curator at MyFitnessPal for a Q&A about best tips to be vigilant and how the MyFitnessPal app can help. Denise received her Bachelor’s Degree in Biological and Physical Sciences from the University of Houston Downtown and completed her Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Texas Woman’s University. Her areas of focus include adult and childhood weight management, women’s nutrition, and chronic disease management.

Q: Why is fitness/health misinformation so prevalent these days?

An increase in misinformation has occurred most recently due to social media. With influencers striving to get more followers, and nutrition being a hot topic,

content that is evidence based and peer reviewed is not always the priority.

Q: How does the MyFitnessPal app combat this?

A: MyFitnessPal combats this by ensuring that any information available through its platforms is up to date and evidenced based. Our registered dietitians stay informed with the latest evidence-based nutrition research when making recommendations or developing content. Additionally, the app offers a food database verified on an ongoing basis, with over 20 million foods, ensuring that our members have access to accurate nutritional information. This helps our community of over 250 million members make informed decisions about their health and nutrition.

Q: What are some misinformation topics that we can easily dispel in this piece?

A: Not everything you read or watch on the internet is true. Just because an influencer has the “right” body size does not make them an expert in fitness/health. Another piece of misinformation that can be dispelled is that carbs make you gain weight. The truth is that a calorie deficit is what helps with weight loss, and a calorie deficit can still be accomplished through carbohydrate inclusion. The food and nutrition tracking tools offered by MyFitnessPal help members understand their food intake better, making it easier to debunk such myths. Using an app like MyFitnessPal also allows you to personalize your journey, tailored to your habits and activity level.

Q: What is the best way to dispel misinformation about wellness?

A: Seek out the social media influencers who are also credentialed experts––TikTok and Instagram are filled with licensed registered dietitians. Turning to tools such as MyFitnessPal that offer expert-guided plans and science-backed content can also help people navigate misinformation and stay informed with reliable information.

Q: Are there any key health tips and tricks we should keep top of mind?

A: Follow a dietary/exercise pattern that is most achievable for your lifestyle. I see a lot of individuals seeking the hottest nutrition/fitness trend but cannot sustain said pattern long term. MyFitnessPal supports individualized efforts by providing customizable dashboards and convenient logging features to help members stay on track with their health goals. Work on lifestyle modifications little by little and stay consistent. This will help you make the necessary changes to your health and truly make a lifestyle change.

Q: What is the easiest way to stay fit and healthy that is budget friendly and we can easily implement into our routines?

A: I always point to the changes that are most realistic and achievable with your current lifestyle. It won’t cost as much as completely uprooting your current patterns and starting new. This affects both your wallet and existing routines. There are a variety of free features on MyFitnessPal, including healthy recipes, Food Group Insights and tracking tools. These features make it easier for users to implement healthy changes at no cost, while still getting valuable support every step of the way.

Hillary LeBlanc

Hillary LeBlanc

Hillary is an Acadian-Senegalese queer woman passionate about sharing stories relating to the Black community, fashion, beauty and sustainability.

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