How to Build a Perfect Nutrition Plan for Bodybuilding Success

While a large amount of a bodybuilder’s success is determined by the work that they put in in the gym, the foundation of gains is always proper diet and nutrition. Paired with reputable steroids from trustworthy companies such as Flex Pharma (, great food can do amazing things. Therefore, it’s worth taking the time to sit down and think through your diet to optimize it for you.



While this definitely isn’t the most fun part of any planning phase, it’s important to consider it here. The reason for that is that you’ll likely be buying quite a lot of food, so spending a couple of extra cents on a more premium cut of meat may not be wise.

Consider how you can get better prices for different elements of your nutrition. For instance, you could consider opting for some plant-based protein to supplement red meat. Kidney beans and other pulses are a great source of protein, and they’re typically not very expensive.

This approach will save you some money in the long run and allow you to cook and eat much more creatively.



Bioavailability is not terribly well-known outside of nutrition circles, but it’s important to consider how your body will absorb different nutrients.

Essentially, it’s a simple concept – your body will always absorb as much as it can from the food you give it. However, this means that some nutrients can pass through your system unabsorbed if they’re not in a naturally available state. This availability is called bioavailability.

A famous example of this is curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric. By mixing turmeric with black pepper, you allow your body to absorb curcumin from the turmeric and piperine from the black pepper. The piperine slows down the rate at which curcumin breaks down in your liver, so it’s got more time to absorb into your system. This means that the bioavailability of the curcumin is increased by 2000% when taken with piperine!

This science can be seen in a number of ways across the bodybuilding and nutrition world, so bear it in mind when considering any nutrients that might help your journey toward gains.



This point is more mental than physical, but it’s still very important to remember it. Essentially, approaching your nutrition plan with an inclusive rather than an exclusive mindset can give you a better outlook on a diet that might be quite repetitive.

For example, instead of saying “I can’t have cheeseburgers anymore”, saying “I get to have high-quality beef” can give you a more enthusiastic outlook. This shift in perspective doesn’t sound like much, but it can give you a mental edge to pursue the body you’re building.


A perfect nutrition plan is tricky to nail down, but approaching your food and drink with a few key themes and ideas in mind is a great way to ensure you’re eating well. Take time to experiment and learn about yourself, and you’re sure to see benefits.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

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