How to Decide Which Car Is Right for You

The car you dive into is typically a pretty personal representation of who you are as a person and what your lifestyle is all about. Consequently, when the time comes for you to replace your old one, choosing the perfect vehicle is usually not quite as straightforward as reading a few reviews and bringing a wad of cash to your local dealer. Instead, there are nuances you must understand if you’re to drive away feeling happy in the choice you’ve made. Here, we are going to proffer a few suggestions that any savvy buyer ought to consider before making the plunge on something that will very possibly be, if not your largest, at least the second-largest purchase of your life.


Choose A Manufacturer That Is Confident In Their Mechanical Aptitude

You might read that heading and immediately think, what an odd choice of words to write down! After all, aren’t all car brands confident that theirs is the very best that money can buy? Well, yes and no, and in reality, only those who are entirely sure will put their money where their mouth is. In practice, this manifests as offering a highly competitive warranty that covers an extensive range of components. For example, when looking at a kia and hyundai comparison, it’s easy to assume that they both come from a similar root; therefore, it must be a kind of six of one, half a dozen of the other sort of situation. However, the fact is that Hyundai actually offers a far superior warranty to that of Kia, and in fact, that of all other manufacturers on the planet, meaning that they don’t expect any of their parts to break down during the extensive coverage period. To be entirely fair, Kia still maintains the second-best warranty, but the point is that when searching for a new car, you should consider these sorts of things to give you peace of mind that you might not get from less reliable models.


The Amount You Have To Spend Will Heavily Influence Your Outcome

How much you have at your disposal, whether that be from savings, finance, or a combination thereof, will dictate what cars are open to your bracket. By assessing how much you’re able to put towards your purchase, you can significantly narrow down the shortlist, making the entire process far more manageable and less stressful. Just remember that if you opt for finance, make sure that you read the fine print so you can avoid the more nefarious terms and conditions usually placed (such as extortionate late fees or early termination penalties) and are comfortable with the figure you’ll be expected to pay back monthly. If you want more car for your money and don’t care about ever owning them, then you could also check out leasing opportunities.


Consider How You Drive And What You Need The Car For

If you are a farmer and regularly carry heavy plant equipment and things related to agriculture, for example, then buying a tiny little Kia Picanto is going to be a pretty appalling waste of money. Conversely, if your only need for the car is to shuttle your kids to and from school and the little league soccer tournaments in and around the city, it might well pay off by choosing a smaller vehicle with better MPG. The point being that you need to know what you will use the car for before spending any time researching random vehicles.


Assess Fuel Efficiency And Maintenance Costs

Even if you are the aforementioned farmer, you should still check that your vehicle is able to run without bankrupting you each time you fill-up the tank. Assessing furl efficiency and selecting models that have very high miles per gallon can save you a considerable amount at the pump…savings that most of us ought to be delighted to achieve. Aside from fuel efficiency, take some time checking which brands offer the lowest costs vis-a-vis maintenance, as some brands are well-known for being expensive to repair or maintain every time you bring them in for a service.


Make Sure To Choose Something With Sufficient ICE For Your Needs

If you are going to spend a considerable amount of time in your car, then you should make sure that it contains a quality ICE system that you can connect your smartphone to and utilize whatever streaming and navigation programs you use. In most cases, this will be in the form of Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, making it easy to connect regardless of what OS you happen to be using.


Choosing a car doesn’t need to be a challenge, and using these tips, it just got much more manageable! As long as you can afford it, are sure it will last the course, and fits your lifestyle, you should drive away very happy with any decision you end up making.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!