How to save money while going green

Between electric cars and the latest renewable heating systems, sustainability can be an expensive pursuit. However, leading an eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to cost the earth! There are several small changes that you can make to help protect the environment while protecting your finances, too.


Managing your money

Before you start your green initiatives, set financial goals. Having clear targets will give you an idea of how much you should be saving compared to your current spending.

Create a comprehensive budget with your earnings and outgoings and identify opportunities to cut costs. There are a variety of apps to help you manage money on the go and track your savings progress in real-time.

Once you have a clear idea of your expenditure and what is and isn’t essential, you can seek out sustainable switches that will help you make significant savings while benefitting the environment.


4 affordable green lifestyle choices

Shop second-hand

Staggeringly, up to 60 billion garments are unsold each year with many destined to go straight to landfill. Shopping second-hand at charity shops and websites dedicated to repurposing clothes will help to drive less waste in the industry. 

Pre-owned clothes are often a fraction of the price of new products, so you’ll spend less, too.


Grow vegetables

Do you have a garden? Devote a portion of this space to growing vegetables. This will help to reduce the cost of your weekly grocery shop while benefiting the health of your household. 

Many everyday vegetables, including potatoes, peas, beans, onions, garlic, and tomatoes, are easy to grow in the UK. Just scatter the seeds—which cost next to nothing—add water, and watch them grow!


Reduce food waste

Did you know that the average UK household wastes as much as £1000 on food that’s thrown away? Reducing your food waste is an instant way to boost your finances while making the most of the planet’s resources.

Plan meals ahead of time so you’re only shopping for exactly what you need each week. When shopping, pay attention to use-by dates and consider picking up fresh produce from your local market or stall as and when you need it.


Drive less

It’s all too easy to become reliant on your car for getting around. However, set yourself the challenge of driving less, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy and enjoyable it can be to travel without it. 

Where possible, switch short drives for bike rides or walks. This is an easy way to keep your carbon footprint down and improve your physical and mental health while saving on the cost of fuel. 

When time isn’t an issue, opt for public transport—the ticket is usually much more cost-effective than petrol and parking.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!