How to Shape Your Fashion Identity

While we are often told that cultivating a “signature style” is an essential aspect of self-identity and self-expression, finding your personal style is easier said than done. When we are haunted by societal expectations and the idea of what we “should” wear and look like, expressing ourselves through style choices can be quite a demanding task. But it’s not impossible to achieve. To that end, here are some tips that will help you to freely and confidently shape your personal fashion identity:


Categorize your favorite pieces

Go through your closet, and pull out all the clothing items you truly love and wear often, those that make you feel comfortable and confident in your skin. Then, try to find similarities between these pieces, whether it’s a certain color palette or a particular category like a relaxed bohemian style or more edgy modern fashion.

Doing this will allow you to put a more specific name on the type of clothing you enjoy the most. No matter how loose, labels and definitions will help you find your personal style, thus giving you the opportunity to construct new and fresh outfits you’ll finally be happy to wear.


Pinpoint the shapes and colors

If you’ve ever wondered how European fashionistas always look so effortlessly chic, the answer to that question is quite simple – they know exactly which colors and silhouettes suit them the most. If you wish to find your personal fashion identity, it would be a great idea to take another look at your favorite pieces, and see whether you can pinpoint the shapes and hues you enjoy the most.

Let go of the idea that you must wear certain cuts due to your silhouette, or particular colors according to your gender or skin tone. Instead, focus on those styles that truly make you feel great when wearing them, because if you feel confident and comfortable, you’ll look absolutely radiant as well.


Consider creating a uniform

While the idea might sound a bit boring at first, personal uniforms are among the best-kept secrets in fashion; they’re exactly the reason why our favorite fashionistas always look so polished and put-together. Aussie bloggers, for instance, tend to choose quality women’s clothing in Australia in neutral colors and classic cuts, allowing them to cultivate a timeless, effortlessly chic style with these staple pieces.

When you pinpoint the colors, shapes, and styles that suit you the most, you could also create an outfit formula that can be your go-to for everyday dressing, providing a safe and comfortable option. And don’t think you need to look the same all the time if you have a personal uniform; you can always play around with different variations, chic layering, and bold accessories.


Find your top fashion icons

Another tip that might help you recognize your personal style identity is finding fashion icons you relate to the most. Whether it’s a classic look such as Audrey Hepburn’s or a more modern chic style like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s, look through some photos of your favorite fashionistas and see what exactly appeals to you the most.

Once you have a better understanding of the styles you love, you will be able to shape your personal style and fashion identity much more easily. At the very least, you’ll manage to get some inspiration for exciting outfits, whether it’s a fresh monochromatic look, new ways to pair your handbags, or even tips for matching a watch with your outfit.


Feel free to express yourself

After all, fashion is truly all about expression. Whether you’re going to a job interview, meeting a person for the first time, or simply passing someone on the street, your outfit is the first thing people notice about you, so make sure it looks great and perfectly represents who you are.

Wear a slogan T-shirt to send a strong message, opt for vibrant colours to express your fun personality, choose bold and bright accessories, like flashy tanzanite jewelry, if you wish to grab attention, or simply go for an all-nude look if you want to stay neutral. No matter what you choose, just make sure your outfit is always true to who you are in an effort to express your identity through fashion.


By following the tips mentioned above, you will be able to find out what you truly love, what makes you look and feel great, as well as how you can portray that to the entire world. And in the process of shaping your fashion identity, you might even learn more about your wonderful self



Peter Minkoff
Peter is a lifestyle writer at HighStyleLife magazine, living between Europe and Australia. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Peter Minkoff
Peter Minkoff

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