On November 30th, Marianas Trench performed at HISTORY as part of their ‘The Force of Nature’ Tour. This tour featured songs from their most recent album Haven, and of course some fan favourites.
Marianas Trench, having formed 25 years ago, was met by screaming fans after a member of their team ‘mowed the lawn’ on the stage. When you’ve been a band this long, you’re sure to have insiders and jokes with your fans! The Vancouver group, comprised of Josh Ramsay, Matt Webb, Mike Ayley and Ian Casselman performed three songs from their new album right off the bat before touching on songs from their expansive discography with nods to their first album Fix Me which Ramsay said they played many years ago at Cameron House.

Photo: Mercedes Alisa
Unsurprisingly, Ramsay’s stage presence oozed throughout the show as he shared tidbits of Marianas Trench trivia, like how Down to You and One Love were the first songs written for their respective albums. The band also acknowledged that Worlds Collide is a Canadian exclusive live performance due to the complexity of the arrangement. The complexity, with harmonies, accapella moments and a range of tempos adds to why this song was magical to see live. Ramsay shared the love, jumping into the crowd and walking around for an entire song and a half and having both Webb and Ayley be the main vocalist for two other songs.

Photo: Mercedes Alisa
As the concert came to a close, Ramsay noted no longer believing in leaving the stage to be cheered back on for the encore as he felt the band should be working for the audience – not the other way around. Marianas Trench certainly worked for the crowd at HISTORY on the 30th!