Strategies for More Effective Business Meetings

The past couple of years have been difficult for many businesses, but as things start looking up, companies both small and large are ready to get back in the game. However, if there’s one thing the COVID pandemic made clear,…


Best Bathroom Renovation Tips for 2023

The bathroom is one of the most used rooms in any home. This is the first room you enter after you wake up and the last one you visit before bed. It’s there to support your basic hygiene needs, and…

Shop the Our Place Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale

After spending the last year and a half testing products from Our Place, it’s safe to say that we are huge fans. From our initial love of the amazing always pan to the perfect pot, we then fell in love…

Car Accident Legal Help: All You Need to Know

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be wondering what to do next. Car accidents can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you don’t know your legal rights. Consulting a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles can help you understand…

TESTED: Rugged and Refined Candles by Candle-Lite

I don’t know what it is about candles, but I love them, the good ones, that is. It might be the scent, the warmth, the look, or maybe a mixture of all three. Either way, I’ve always felt that candles…

Can Wearable Technology Help You Sleep Better?

If you are anything like me, and probably most people you ask, most of us would love to get a better quality of sleep and more of it. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing? Well, over the last decade, I’ve tested…