How to Promote Health and Wellness in Your Team

Are you the manager or lead in your company department? Or do you run a small business? You may notice some of your employees are always tired, groggy, and unproductive. Along with that, you may see some unhealthy habits that…

THC Market is Expanding: How to Make the Right Choice When Buying

The cannabis industry is rapidly growing and evolving. With more states legalizing marijuana for medicinal and recreational use, the demand for high-quality products is skyrocketing. This includes everything from THC-infused edibles to CBD tinctures and topicals. It’s no wonder that…

5 Tips for Lasting Energy, All Day, Every Day

M.K. Fisher nailed it when she said, “First we eat, then we do everything else.” Food is your body’s fuel. It affects not only your mood and daily performance but keeps your immune system strong. Our body’s energy reserves need…

The Little Known Options When It Comes To High-Class Holidays

When most people think of luxury holidays, they think of destinations like Paris, Rome, or New York. But there are many other options for those looking for a high-class getaway. So if you’re looking to escape the crowds and experience…

A photo of the crowd at the Alexisonfire concert with the band on stage

An Evening with Alexisonfire at HISTORY

On April 27, 2022, iconic Canadian post-hardcore band Alexisonfire took to the stage at HISTORY, one of Toronto’s newest live music venues. The free concert celebrated the return to live music in a slick new venue and kicked off a…

6 Ways to Make Money From the Things You no Longer Use

Do you have a bunch of stuff lying around your house that you don’t use anymore? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, the average American home has 300,000 items in it! And chances are, many of those things are…


5 Changes You Can Make to Get Closer to Nature

In this technological day and age, who doesn’t dream of a simpler time without social media, those incessant email notifications from work, or the constant struggle to put down your phone and just enjoy the sunshine? The truth is that…

7 Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Rule number one when travelling is to try and save as much money as possible because the last thing you want is to find yourself with empty pockets in a foreign country. So many people know this fact, but the…