How To Maintain The Value Of Your Car

The best way to think about your car is like it is an investment. Because that is exactly what it is, and every investment requires proper maintenance in order to maintain its value. As soon as you buy a vehicle,…

shoe care

4 Shoe Care Tips for Longer Lasting Shoes

Everyone has two sections of their closet: fast fashion pieces and investment pieces. Investment pieces are those special, timeless pieces that you are going to wear again and again for years to come, and they’re of good quality so that…

Why Those with Hernias Should Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Understanding how hernias function in your body, and what can bother them, is key to both treatment and prevention. However, other harmful lifestyle choices and habits can massively play into the hernia factor. Especially when it comes to smoking and…

This week on the Reheat – When Eva Longoria Left Tony Parker

Hello, and welcome to The Reheat! Each week, I write a column summarizing the highlights of the podcast I co-host with Sadaf Ahsan. Our podcast, also titled The Reheat (what a coincidence!), re-examines the most salacious scandals of yester-year through…

How To Improve The Meals You Cook At Home

Cooking is a great hobby to get into, however with 25% of Brits saying they feel too overworked to cook, and 51% spending less than 30 minutes on their home cooked meals, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that a good…

How To Deal With A Car Accident Without Hiring A Lawyer

Car accidents can be upsetting and traumatic, and leave you with a host of different issues. If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be wondering what to do next – especially if another party was responsible. Do you…

How to Feel More Confident: 4 Tips for Social Events

Opening yourself up to attending more social events as someone who is more shy and introverted can be difficult. Building the confidence to talk to people you don’t know, make friends and attempt to become the life of the party…

6 Reasons To Skip The Gym & Workout At Home

Are you split between the gym and working out at home? Well, you are not the first one to tread this path and will not be the last. The debate on whether the gym or the house is the best…

5 Things You Need When You Move

When it comes to moving, the list of things you need to do stacks up pretty quickly, so it can be easy to forget many necessary items along the way. Whether it’s your first move or your fifteenth, there are…