Why Commercial Transport Insurance Is A Must

Managing one truck can be challenging enough, but the added responsibility can be overwhelming when that truck turns into an entire fleet of vehicles. Beyond juggling maintenance, downtime, safety, and scheduling, you’ll also need to manage the risks associated with…


We Take the Leap into Cryptocurrency with Coinsmart

While I’ve always had a great understanding of banking, investments, and finance in general, having worked for a major bank many years ago, I must admit that I don’t know all that much about cryptocurrency beyond the basics. A cryptocurrency…

Tips for Starting a Farmer’s Market Booth

Farmer’s markets are nothing new. But, they’ve been gaining popularity across the country in recent years. As people are trying to practice more sustainable lifestyles, purchasing local foods and goods has become a priority. There have been lengthy studies as…

Is Driving Costing You More Than it Should?

Forty years ago, my parents bought their first house for 45,000 dollars. Today the same home would be about 1.6 million. The issue? My father’s salary for the same job today would be about 80,000, so instead of requiring just…

The Rebirth of Rocker Blake Red

Get reborn with Blake Red’s latest single, “The Cradle”! The Chicago-based alternative rocker moves fans from darkness to light in this healing story on mental wellness. Becoming a voice and advocate for the cause, she has emerged more confident than…

This Week on the Reheat: Brendan Fraser Deserves A Comeback

Hello, and welcome to The Reheat! Each week, I write a column summarizing the highlights of the podcast I co-host with Sadaf Ahsan. Our podcast, also titled The Reheat (what a coincidence!), re-examines the most salacious scandals of yester-year through…