Serum: the Undercover Skincare Superhero

Are you’re looking for a way to supercharge your skincare routine, without straying from the products you already know and love? Then look no further than the ultimate undercover skincare superhero: serum! In the already overcomplicated world of skincare products,…

This is the Best Protein we’ve ever Tested

When it comes to habits, I have a lot, presumably far too many, to list, but one habit that has stuck with me for over 15 years is my morning protein shake. Like clockwork, I wake up at 7 am,…

The Benefits Of Putting Your Mental Health First

Our mind and body are often placed into two separate categories, both of which are treated entirely differently. If we fall ill or injure a part of our body, such as dislocating our shoulder, breaking a bone, even spraining our…

How To Host the Best Dinner Parties

Dinner parties are relaxing and enticing to people of all ages. Perhaps you recently attended one that knocked your socks off, and now you feel it is your time to shine. If you want to impress your guests and learn…

5 Top Tips To Find A New Job This Year

Job seeking can be hard work, but the prospect of a new role is exhilarating. To help you kick start your search, check out these top tips.   An AI Friendly Application According to LiveCareer, ‘98 percent of Fortune 500…

How to Get Started as a Freelancer

There are many reasons to start freelancing. For instance, you may be sick of the rat race and looking for a reason to quit your nine-to-five job. Or, perhaps you’re happy at work but looking for a little extra side…

Go Local: Love Good Fats

I remember shopping with my mum as a child when the first round of the no-fat/low fat craze started. I remember my mum, a nurse at the time, said to me, don’t believe everything you see. There are good fats…

K Flay press photo. K Flay is sitting on the floor wearing all black in front of a red backdrop.

K. Flay Gets Loud with New EP Inside Voices

K. Flay‘s latest EP Inside Voices just might be the mix of anger, energy, and release we all need after over a year spent in lockdown. It’s a get-up-and-dance, throw-things-around-your-room collection of tracks that invites listeners into the corners of…