How Much Money Should You Be Saving For Retirement?

How much money do you need to retire comfortably? The answer is different for everyone. To arrive at that answer, it pays to think through some questions first. Below is a list of questions to consider. Whatever your answers, I…

The best wireless charger we’ve tested

Over the last couple of years, wireless chargers have become more popular, and with the rise in want from the market, more and more companies have popped up with their version or offering, so we thought we would test a…

Hobbies for the Homebound – How to Banish the Boredom

So, you’ve binged on just about every series Netflix has to offer. You’ve read Barack Obama’s autobiography front to back, and you’ve cleaned the inside of your kitchen cupboards more times than you care to remember. By now, you’re probably…

Delicious Coffee Delivered to your Door

I love coffee. Ever since my days working my first job at the bank, I’ve been hooked, and while my tastes might have changed, better yet refined over the years, I still love a cup every morning. Once upon a…


How to Shape Your Fashion Identity

While we are often told that cultivating a “signature style” is an essential aspect of self-identity and self-expression, finding your personal style is easier said than done. When we are haunted by societal expectations and the idea of what we…

5 Best eCommerce Design Solutions For 2021

When running an e-commerce business, it will sometimes feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle. The reason behind this is fairly simple – a lot of people are afraid of an online hoax. Just think about it, you’re asking people…

These Tips will Help you to Find a New Job Quickly

Unless you are one of the few people who work in a high-demand career, you may think that finding a brand-new job is a challenging and frustrating experience. At the end of the day, you can make your job search…