Alternative Food Trends This Winter

As we move into another decade of shared ideas around the Internet, the growth of ethical food alternatives’ continues to increase and diversify. There are now more options than ever before for those who wish to avoid animal cruelty and…

This week, we’re revisiting Grey’s Anatomy

This week, we’re revisiting Grey’s Anatomy. Now in its 17th season (Yes, the show is almost old enough to vote), it debuted to critical acclaim in 2005. Created by Shonda Rhimes, it chronicled the professional and personal lives of surgical…

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY – Black Friday Edition

Happy(?) Black Friday! It’s the start of a busy retail weekend. I guess if you’re buying gifts for those you love and yourself, why not get a deal? Well, please make sure you spend a little extra internet sweat trying…

#supportsmallbusiness: The ADDICTED Shopping Directory

Hello and happy almost holidays ADDICTED readers!  If you follow me or Mark on social media then I’m sure you’ve seen us speak on the plight of small businesses, and the blows they’ve endured thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. From…

Looking for a New Lifestyle?

In some cases, changing a job can modify your whole life. If you’ve tried working in a large corporation and felt it wasn’t for you, maybe you need to be part of a family, closest to the decision process. If…

Top Eight Sensitive Skin (And Eyes) Skincare Products

Skincare For Sensitive Skin When you have sensitive skin and/or sensitive eyes, it can be hard to find the right skincare products. This is especially true if you have conditions like rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, or dry eyes. Trying out a new product…

Business situation, job interview concept.

8 Tips on Selecting the Right Recruiting Agency

Looking for a way to optimise the work of an organisation? The solution may be to contact a recruiting agency. It will help you find qualified employees for a particular position you need. It’s not a secret for anyone that…

The (RED) Gift Guide: Gifting that gives back

Over a decade ago, I was introduced to (RED), and ever since I’ve been a huge supporter and for a good reason. Who those of you who aren’t yet aware, (RED) is a charity that partners with major brands to…