Signs of a Great Business Leader

From heads of state to trustworthy individuals guiding smaller local communities, leaders can come in all shapes and sizes. But when it comes to leadership in business, the qualities and attributes needed for reaching success in this sphere may appear a bit more subtle at first glance. Beneath the surface, however, highly respected bosses tend to have plenty of characteristics in common with one another, many of which every leader can build and enhance to accelerate growth. With that in mind, here are some of the most common and evident signs that define great business leaders across the board:


Being a good communicator

One of the most important skills every effective leader has is the ability to set actionable goals and clear expectations everyone can understand and accomplish. Having good communication skills means both setting certain expectations for the short term and easily conveying the wider vision for the long term. This enables the company to strive toward the right objectives, motivates employees and makes them feel excited to work, and sets teams up for success. These communication skills can be developed by listening carefully, paying attention to body language, and giving and accepting feedback.


Caring about other people

Your team’s accomplishments are yours and your company’s accomplishments as well. A great sign of strong leadership is when bosses are genuinely happy when their teams or employees are thriving, thus offering the necessary encouragement and demonstrating the positivity that makes a healthy workplace culture. A good leader will also know how to provide their staff with the right resources, tools, and support needed to reach that success, whether that means finding new solutions, inspiring innovation, or simply offering thanks and celebrating wins.


Being quite business savvy

The best leaders know their industry well, have extensive knowledge and experience in their field, and have a clear business philosophy developed for reaching success. After all, you can’t expect to motivate and guide others if you don’t have what it takes to make it in the industry yourself. That is why many leaders decide to build their business acumen by furthering their education. Through interesting courses and immersive simulation games, professionals with different levels of experience can easily broaden their perspectives and enhance their business savvy in order to lead with knowledge and resilience.


Always leading by example

While vital, knowledge and skills aren’t everything. Another efficient tactic great leaders use is to model the same attitudes and behaviors they expect from their staff. A thoughtful leader will never just talk about the type of environment or culture they’d like to be created, but will rather live according to these principles every day. If you lead by example, your team members and employees will likely naturally align with the specific tone you set and the overall environment you create, as long as it’s not toxic or otherwise damaging to the organization.


Knowing how to inspire others

There’s no denying that inspirational leaders tend to be the best, most encouraging ones as well. They know how to convey a wider message or vision that resonates with their employees and inspires entire teams. As a result, they are able to experience brilliant benefits such as improved performance, higher loyalty, and other positive advantages. To inspire your teams, cultivate a positive company culture, be honest and transparent, offer constructive feedback, aim to solve issues, support innovation, and give every individual room to grow within the company.


There are a number of different qualities that can make a strong and effective leader. But as long as you improve your communication and business skills, motivate and inspire your teams, and lead by example, you will be able to reach higher levels of success.



Peter Minkoff
Peter is a lifestyle writer at HighStyleLife magazine, living between Europe and Australia. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Peter Minkoff
Peter Minkoff

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