Tag: health

TESTED: Soylent

When it comes to eating a balanced diet, we could probably all improve. There are days when I’m sure, like me, you do well with your eating and other days, not so much. Work and stress affect my eating and…

What to do When Your Confidence has Been Kicked Down

Going through a confidence crisis is pretty common amongst millennials. You are under so much pressure to have your career path mapped out, own a house and start your own family right now. Your self-esteem could have been knocked in…

How to Cope With Work Stress If You’re an Introvert

Being an introvert is hard in this dog-eat-dog world we’re living in. Reserved, quiet and calm individuals face difficulties in all aspects of their lives because others perceive them as shy, humble and easy to ignore. That’s why more dominating…

Why Do Elite Athletes Take Creatine Supplements?

Elite athletes may have more natural talent than the average person, but their innate attributes are really just half the story in terms of how they can achieve the physical feats that they do. The rest comes down to a…


Why Switch To Rye Flour in Your Diet

If you often visit the grocery store for bread, you probably know that there you dozens of bread options—white bread, whole-wheat, multigrain, the list goes on and on. There’s probably one type of bread that you might notice on the…

dental industry

5 Ways the Dental Industry Is Changing in 2021

Everywhere you look, there’s another COVID-19 discussion that has pushed people to rethink their hygiene habits, self-care choices, and overall behavior. You’ll see people washing their hands much more frequently, some of them regularly cleaning their hands with sanitizers, and…

TESTED: blume

Like many people worldwide, I have a hard time relaxing, unwinding, and clearing my head at the end of each day, but I’m always searching for helpful solutions. Over the past years, I’ve been on a mission to learn as…

The Benefits Of Putting Your Mental Health First

Our mind and body are often placed into two separate categories, both of which are treated entirely differently. If we fall ill or injure a part of our body, such as dislocating our shoulder, breaking a bone, even spraining our…

Is sex addiction real?

The short answer to the question is yes. Sex addiction is currently being seen as an actual disease that plagues some individuals. Despite the snickering teenagers in the back of the class, it’s a real problem that can cause a…