Tag: health

6 of the Many Ways to Improve and Maintain Your Overall Health

There are many different ways to improve and maintain your overall health. These are just a few of the many ways you can do so. Here are six of them.   1. Supplements You can improve your overall health by…

TESTED: The Cuisinart Juice Extractor

Over the years, I have to admit, I’ve had a been love for fresh juice. Whether on a trip to tropical climates or picking up some fresh-pressed from a local store, it’s always been something I’ve enjoyed. That being said,…

6 Reasons To Skip The Gym & Workout At Home

Are you split between the gym and working out at home? Well, you are not the first one to tread this path and will not be the last. The debate on whether the gym or the house is the best…

Does your oral hygiene routine help prevent seasonal illness?

Along with the cold weather comes the increased risk of picking up a seasonal illness like a common cold or flu.  While there is no direct evidence that brushing and flossing actually help protect you from a cold or the…

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Screen Time on the Brain

Screens are a major part of life. Fifty years ago people spent an hour watching the evening news each day and occasionally went to the movies. Now, they check their phones, use their computers, and watch their televisions around the…

The 9 Best Ways to Blow off Steam

There are plenty of reasons you may want to blow off steam. Work may be a hassle at the moment, there’s a lot on your plate right now, or you feel like you haven’t had any time to yourself in…

Expert Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy

Staying fit and healthy isn’t easy, especially if you have a busy work life. It can be challenging to find the time to plan a proper diet, let alone exercise. If you want to live a long, happy life, you…


Tips for Easy Workouts at Home

Is your gym also closed for COVID-19? Or are you so tired of being trapped at home that you need some activity ASAP? No matter what it is, you can achieve effective workout sessions at home, as long as you…


Being a Better Athlete 101: Best Fitness Tips for 2021

You have finally managed to get your fitness agenda in place? Congrats, you are already ahead of many folks out there! Still, as with all aspects of life, there is always room for improvement as regards diet and fitness. In…