Tag: relax

Tech That Can Help You Relax and Unwind

Stress and anxiety have become commonplace and remain part and parcel of everyone’s life. With work, personal commitments, and a barrage of digital notifications, it becomes almost impossible to relax. Luckily, there is good news. Technology can also help with…

Can Wearable Technology Help You Sleep Better?

If you are anything like me, and probably most people you ask, most of us would love to get a better quality of sleep and more of it. Now, doesn’t that sound amazing? Well, over the last decade, I’ve tested…

The 3 Benefits of a Massage

We put our bodies through a lot of hard work, often without giving it a break or a reward for its dedicated service. Long hours at the office, sports, extracurricular activities, and exercise are a few of the things that…

A Guide To Leaving The 9-to-5 Behind

Whether your job is satisfying enough for you or not, the fact remains that you’ll have difficult days that consist of a lot of work. It is usually that last hour before the clock hits five that you start feeling…

The 9 Best Ways to Blow off Steam

There are plenty of reasons you may want to blow off steam. Work may be a hassle at the moment, there’s a lot on your plate right now, or you feel like you haven’t had any time to yourself in…

How to Relax, Unwind, Take a Break and Clear Your Mind

Life, work, family, a pandemic; needless to say, it’s a stressful time for many. While we can’t just walk away from our responsibilities even when the world turns upside down, we can be responsible and make good choices to sleep…

4 Ways to Relax and Unwind

The last year has been challenging.  Even more so, the things that we might have become accustomed to are currently unavailable or closed. So while at home, how do you take proper care of yourself and make sure that you…