TESTED: Soylent

When it comes to eating a balanced diet, we could probably all improve. There are days when I’m sure, like me, you do well with your eating and other days, not so much.

Work and stress affect my eating and often derail my meal regularity. You know how it goes, you’re working away on a project, pouring in your energy and effort and before you know it, 11 am turns into 2 pm, and you realise you’ve not yet had lunch.

While we are probably able to take a break most of the time, I must admit in the last six weeks of testing Soylent, and we’ve made it our staple go-to for when we need some quick nutrition or on the of chance we have had time to make a meal.

Soylent products help you meet your daily and weekly nutritional goals for those not yet familiar. Their products can both stand in for complete meals and fill your nutrition gaps as snacks, supplements, and beyond!

Soylent also supports sustainable agriculture and employs best practices to reduce its carbon footprint across its entire supply chain.



Soylent comes in Original, Chocolate and Cafe Mocha. It’s rich and thick without being overly sweet and overwhelming. We loved the chocolate and Cafe Mocha. The original isn’t nearly as tasty while ok.

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Soylent offers:


Plant-Based Protein
Made with soy protein, thus making it plant-based, this protein drink contains all nine essential amino acids.
Vitamins & Minerals
Their products provide a dose of 28 vitamins & minerals that support metabolism, immunity and overall health.
Slow Burning Carbs
They use natural, low-calorie carbohydrates that burn slower than other sugars, giving their shakes a low glycemic index.
Healthy Fats
Fats are vital to maintaining cell structure, normal hormone production and also serve as an energy source.


Easy, convenient, healthy and tasty, it’s easy to see why we are fans of the Chocolate and Cafe Mocha selections from Soylent.


For more information, visit their website today. Products gifted for review.


Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!