The Pros and Cons of Buying From a Dealership vs. a Private Seller

When it comes to buying a new car, buyers have options. They can buy from dealerships, private sellers, or even friends and family. There are many different types of dealerships too, from ones that specialize in used vehicles to ones that only sell new ones.

If you are interested in buying yourself a new car, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of buying from dealerships and private sellers, so you can get yourself the best deal possible. The intention of this post is to tell you what those pros and cons are, so you can make the right choice. Read on to find out more. 


Finance Arrangements

The main benefit of buying a car from a dealer is that you get to access finance arrangements, which allow you to spread the cost of purchases over a period of years. Whether you buy from Mazda dealers, or dealers representing another manufacturer, finance is always available. One thing to note about finance is that it is unwise to take a car out on finance unless you are confident in your ability to make repayments on time. 


Better Prices

While you can get better prices by buying from a private seller, you get more security when you work with a dealer. If a car ends up being damaged or unusable after you purchase it, a dealer will always give you your money back, while a private seller won’t. Dealers also offer warranties, but they will be explored in more detail later on. Remember that dealers have access to national databases, which allow them to find cars around the country, even sold by other partner dealers.


Negotiating Prices

Private sellers tend to be more open to negotiation, but they can sometimes also be very rigid. Car dealerships always have a bottom price in mind when they are selling vehicles, even if they add a huge markup on top of it. The downside to negotiating with private sellers is, again, you can’t get your money back if you are unhappy with your car purchase. This means that you might encounter a seller who knowingly adds a premium on top, then comes down on price to give buyers the illusion of a good deal, when in reality, they are scamming them.


Safer Transactions

When you buy a car from a private dealer, you get to benefit from safer transactions. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that car dealers are liable to scam them, but it is not really possible for them to. In today’s world, if a car dealer behaves unethically, you can report them to your bank and file a chargeback. However, when you buy a car from a private seller, especially in cash, it can be difficult to get your money back. You even run the risk of getting robbed or scammed if you pay in cash.


More Customizability

Customizability is another benefit of buying a car from a dealer. A dealer will give you a lot more control over your car, how it looks, and what it comes with. Dealerships can even make modifications to your car for you, although this can cost a lot of money. While you can make aftermarket modifications, if you are not an experienced mechanic or have no prior experience working on car modifications, there is a chance you could damage your vehicle or take some of its value away. If you want total customizability, definitely buy a new car from a dealer.


Warranty Packages

Warranty packages aren’t offered by private sellers–you can only get them from dealers. Warranties are assurance packages that ensure if a car deteriorates or breaks prematurely, buyers don’t end up out of pocket. A warranty will provide financial protection. If your car deteriorates before its warranty period ends, the dealer will either reimburse you, offer free repairs, or offer a replacement vehicle instead. Make sure you shop around and find a dealer with the most attractive warranty package you can. The more attractive a warranty package is, the less you have to worry about losing money if your car breaks.


Overall Transparency

Transparency is another benefit of buying a car from a dealer, as opposed to a private seller. When you buy a car from a dealer, you don’t have to worry about buying a vehicle and not knowing its history. Dealers will provide extensive information about a car’s history, who owned it, how many accidents it has been involved in, and anything else you should know. When you buy a car from a private seller, it is up to them to tell you about the car’s history, and they may not even know if they themselves bought it as a used vehicle.


More Selection

When you buy cars from private sellers, one of the main advantages is that you get a lot more options as it relates to vehicle types, models, and ages. You can buy a brand-new car used, or you can buy one from several decades ago. It is worth noting, however, that many car dealers actually sell used cars, too. When you buy a used car from a dealer, you get the added benefit of a warranty package and don’t have to worry about essential repairs being ignored. A dealer will make sure that all repairs have been done prior to the vehicle’s sale.


National Databases

Finally, dealers have access to national vehicle databases. This means that they can order in cars if you request them. This is only possible if you are buying used vehicles, however. A dealer won’t be able to order a brand new car, because it will be made to order anyway. If you plan on buying a car brand new, consider using finance. When you buy a new car, you are going to have to pay much more than you would for a used one, which means finance is the best option for you. 


If you want to buy a new car, do yourself a favor and buy one from a dealer. While buying from private sellers does offer some benefits, it is, on the whole, much better to buy from a dealer. A dealer can offer more protection, more customizability, and better prices on new and used cars. 



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!

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