Tips To Keep Yourself Entertained Over The Summer

During this time of year, we spend a lot of time in our homes or out socializing with friends, so what better time of year to tick some things off your home list, start a new book, or find a new hobby? There are plenty of things that you can get up to over the summer in order to keep you occupied and in a good frame of mind. Here are some tips to keep yourself entertained over the summer.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens.


Rearrange Furniture In Your Home

Not everything in life needs to cost money, and you might find that certain things you do around your home can transform it into something brand new. It’s nice to refresh your living space, especially when you’ve perhaps been living in a property for quite a while now. Rearranging your furniture is an excellent way to transform a space into something completely new, and you don’t need to spend a penny to make it happen. Think about the spaces you’d like to freshen up or give a new look to. The living room can be a good place to start, and it’s good to consider all the bulky or biggest items first.

Look at the space and try not to be restricted by the typical layout you’d arrange furniture. Your sofa doesn’t need to be against a wall, and neither does your television. Not everything needs to be straight, it could be at an angle, for example? Experiment with different layouts, and you will likely find something that works much better than before. Rearranging your furniture every now and then can give your home a little refresh, and you’ll find yourself falling back in love with your home like it was the first moment you moved in.


Do A Declutter Of Your Wardrobe

As a new season rolls around, it’s important to keep your wardrobe in an organized manner because having everything mixed together can be confusing. It can also lead to you spending too much time in front of said wardrobe to decide on what to wear. With this in mind, it’s worth decluttering what you own and checking what might have gone out of fashion or anything that’s looking a little worn or tired. Some of us can end up holding onto outfits for years, and that’s okay if they are of good quality and don’t necessarily go out of fashion. For example, trench coats can be a staple piece in your wardrobe and can last for many years if they are good quality and you look after them properly. Try to aim to get rid of anything you can, even if it’s something you’ve loved for years, tattered and worn, but you can’t possibly part with it. It’s just materials at the end of the day, stopping you from getting more clothing that will be a better fit.


Start A Book Challenge If You Enjoy Reading

If you love books, then spending this time at home and over the summer is the perfect opportunity to take on a book challenge. Perhaps there are a number of books you’ve wanted to read for some time now, or maybe you want to improve your reading skills. Reading is fundamental to building your knowledge and being more creative in life, too. You can learn so much from reading books, regardless of the genre you prefer. With this in mind, set yourself a number you want to achieve and try to reach it. This is something you can do with fellow fans of reading, and perhaps you could make it a challenge where the winner receives a book of their choice, and everyone pitches in to buy it.


Get A VPN To Stream More

VPNs are virtual private networks, and they can be perfect when you want to stream content on your desktop computer or your television, for example. With so much great content on global channels, it’s a shame that some people might be unable to access it on their usual network. A VPN is almost like going anonymous, allowing you to break through the country restrictions that are in place. It means that you can watch all those shows that are being limited to you in your country. There are plenty of VPN reviews online, so it’s a good way of figuring out which ones are best for you to use.


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Pick Up A New Hobby

A hobby is something that everyone should have at least one of, and if you haven’t, then you could be missing out on doing some great things and having a better quality of life as a result. Ever tried painting or doing anything arts and craftsy? Why not give it a go when you have some free time? You might find that you have a talent in it that you never fully realized! Hobbies are good to have for personal growth but to also keep your mind active. It helps you to continue learning because, despite what the hobby is, you’re developing some sort of skill or talent, whatever that may be. Hobbies are good for keeping you busy, and you’ll want plenty of them over this summer, for sure.


Make A Picnic & Spend Time Outdoors

A picnic is a great excuse to get out into your garden or to go down the local park with family. There’s some very old-school about making and enjoying a picnic on a picnic blanket. There are plenty of ideas online to create your own snacks and bite-sized sandwiches or munchies to keep you well-fed during your trip to the backyard or to your local park. Take the time to make your picnic with your family and make sure everyone is involved with the process so that it’s something you do together as a household. You could also pack some games to take along with you to play together.


Improve Your Baking Skills

Baking is one of those skills that some are naturally good at and some, not so much. The summer period is the perfect time to get into the kitchen and whip up some delicious sweet, and savoury snacks. It’s a great thing to do if you have children in your household and want to keep them entertained. Introducing your children to the kitchen is a skill they’ll need later on in life, so it’s essential to give them plenty of experience, so they don’t need to learn so much later on in life. There are many different recipes online that are worth trying, and for the most part, you might not need the most complex baking appliances or utensils.


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Do Some DIY Projects Around The Home

If there were ever a time to complete some DIY projects around the home, that time is definitely now. There’s likely to be one or two things that you’ve been meaning to do around your home and, even more so, things you’ve started and not completed. It’s important to do things around your home that involves some degree of hammering nails into walls and putting things together. It’s a good skill to have and one that’s going to make you self-sufficient, rather than needing a handyman to come in every time. Consider what projects you can work on now and what you might wish to work on further down the line. As the summer sun will be shining, jobs that involve painting are the perfect opportunity to do now so that you can air it out!


Write A Book Or Create A Blog

If you’re someone who has a talent at writing, it might be a good idea to start writing a book or creating a blog. These could pan out into side hustles if you have the talent for writing. It’s a great way for you to talk about life if you wanted to create a blog around your life and books are something that’s going to be needed no matter what. Look online at how you can start a blog or write a book and have a go. You may have talents and skills that you don’t know about, so why not challenge yourself and see how you get on? You might well surprise yourself.


Keeping yourself entertained over the summer can be difficult. However, there are still plenty of things that you can do around your home and in the great outdoors. Make a to-do list or a bucket list of things you want to complete and challenge yourself. You can do a hobby or a DIY project in the home or do a little rearranging of your furniture. Bake a cake or something savoury and take it with you on your next picnic outing. There are plenty of things to do over the summer.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!