Tips to Starting a Business When You’re Not Sure Where to Begin

This whole time you’ve been known as a customer. Whether you shop online, in stores, or both, your shopping habits are unique and all your own simply because you’re a customer. But what if one day you make the decision to start your own business… You would go from being a customer to being a business owner… So how in the world could you make such a transition?

Photo by Christina Morillo


Well, the truth of the matter is that people do it all the time, and have no clue what they’re doing! Some of the most successful business owners are people who have dropped out of high school, dropped out of college, or have gone through a terrible series of failures before reaching their entrepreneurial “sweet spot” of success.

The point is that no one’s success story is the same. While one entrepreneur has a “rags to riches” story, another entrepreneur might have born into wealth and just simply took on the family business. Your entrepreneurial story is what you make it.

If you want to start your own business but have no clue where to start, you’re not the only person facing that ordeal, and it’s definitely nothing to stress about. Whether your motivation to become a business owner is because your full-time job completely stresses you out or if it’s because you just want the freedom and flexibility that comes with entrepreneurship, don’t let not knowing where to begin to stop you.

There are all kinds of resources like the blog on the Creation BC website, that will point you in the right direction as to where to begin. But before you start your entrepreneurial journey, you want to make sure to take a look at these tips first to help you figure things out.


Helpful Tips to Consider When You Have No Clue How to Start a Business

Don’t Settle For Being Unhappy

An article by states that happiness is self-created… If you really think about it, you’ll see just how true that statement is, especially when it comes to your job. If you’re working a job that you’re unhappy at, you’re just going to continue to be unhappy until you find another job.

Being dissatisfied on the job is something that we oftentimes like to blame our bosses, coworkers, and even the president for, but the reality is that if you don’t like your work situation and want to start your own business, then do it! The change you want isn’t going to happen until you make it happen.


Determine the Business You Feel is Right For You

Figuring out what type of business you want to run is one of the first and most important things to figure out in deciding to start a business. There’s no right or wrong business for you to start, you just have to make sure it’s something you enjoy doing because if you don’t, you might as well stay at the full-time job you hate.

In your approach to figuring out your business type, there are three ways to go about it:

  1. You need to start a business that solves some sort of problem
  2. Stick to something you know how to do and are good at doing
  3. See what other thriving businesses are doing and do it better


Check Out Your Entrepreneurship Options

To become an entrepreneur means you’re selling something, but there are different levels of selling “things.” For one, you need to determine if you’re going to sell a product or a service, or both. Secondly, becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to be a specific type of entrepreneur.

As an entrepreneur, you have the option of becoming an e-commerce owner or a brick-and-mortar store owner. To be the owner of a brick-and-mortar business, you’re going to need quite a bit of financing on the front-end to get your business off the ground.

With an e-commerce site, it’s not going to require nearly as much funding on the front-end as a brick-and-mortar store but will have just as many responsibilities. Some people who aspire to become an entrepreneur don’t have their aspirations set that high.

Just remember, no matter what type of business you’re looking to launch, you need the right tools to help bring it to life. For example if you opening a gym, then you must have the right software for client booking, scheduling classes and so much more, as well as to run and manage your gym busines.

If you find yourself in the boat of wanting to sell but you’re not quite ready for the world of e-commerce of a physical store, consider selling on Amazon first. Amazon is actually a wonderful platform to get your start in the entrepreneurial world.

That’s not saying that selling on Amazon is easier than owning your own e-commerce store or physical store, but the thing that separates Amazon from the other entrepreneurial options is that Amazon is an e-commerce platform that has rules and guidelines laid out for you to sell your products, and best practices as well.

All you have to do is follow the instructions, and you’ll be on your way to selling in no time!


The other routes are a guessing game as to what you need to do first. So if you want to become an Amazon seller, it all starts with making the decision to do so. And who knows… you could perform so well on Amazon that you transition to starting your own small business and transform into a big brand!


Whichever route you decide to take, it’s going to require your dedicated time and effort. Success isn’t going to come overnight, and it doesn’t take you knowing about business to know that. Your journey to entrepreneurial success has nothing to do with whether you know where to start or not… Your journey to success is all about starting altogether. If you can get started, you can achieve success.

Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!