Travel as a Hobby: A Path to Personal Fulfillment

Travelling isn’t just a great way to broaden your horizons — it can lead to personal fulfillment, too. Frequent travellers are 7% happier than those who don’t travel, thanks to their sightseeing adventures. These happy travellers also report lower stress, improved health, and higher overall wellness.

Travel can even become a hobby if you have the time and energy to make the most of your time away from home. When embarking on exciting journeys, you’ll meet plenty of new people and will benefit from self-discovery and an enriched understanding of other cultures.

You needn’t wrack up a hefty carbon footprint when travelling, either. When possible, opt for sustainable travel options that support the local environment and incur minimal emissions. Even simple changes — like using public transportation — can meaningfully reduce your footprint while increasing your exposure to the “real” way of life in the places you visit.

Guest post by Kate Brenneman.


Planning Trips

Getting out on the open road with your motorbike or taking to the skies to visit a new country can be both exciting and fulfilling. However, if you’re truly enthusiastic about treating travel as a hobby, you’ll know that planning your trip is half the fun. Poring over maps and reading travel literature from your final destination will improve your understanding of the location you’re about to visit and help you get more from your time away from home.

Proper planning will also help you stay safe when enjoying your travel hobby. For example, before travelling to countries like the UK or Belgium, you’ll need to research essential personal safety laws that apply to you during your visit. You can’t carry pepper spray while in these countries and should not equip yourself with any kind of self-defence tool during your visit. Instead, research common sense ways to stay safe like: 


  • Procuring proper insurance to protect you during your stay; 
  • Planning trips to avoid areas with higher crime or minimal social support;
  • Installing a SIM card that will work while in the country you’re visiting; 
  • Identifying the closest emergency services should you fall ill or pick up an injury. 


Putting together a safety packet complete with medication, documents, and travel plans can be surprisingly fun. It’s also reassuring to know that you’ve accounted for the unexpected and that you’ll be able to find help when away from home should you need it. Making one first can help you focus on more important things, like self-discovery and finding personal fulfillment when travelling.



Travel is all about seeing the world and interacting with new ideas. While this usually means you’ll be focused on learning about the world around you, travelling as a hobby can spark internal growth and self-discovery, too. If you’re interested in travelling for self-discovery, consider conducting some introspection before you set off and journal on topics like: 


  • Your major motivations in life;
  • Your vision and the goals you wish to achieve in the coming years;
  • The support system you have in place and how it can help you grow;
  • The small actions that you want to embrace to create major changes;
  • How you’ll continue to seek growth in your life. 


Embracing a quest for self-discovery and improvement via travel can raise your self-esteem, too. You’ll have to overcome serious setbacks when trains and planes are cancelled. You’ll also build a more resilient mindset when you encounter typical trials when travelling, like flat tires or hotels that have double-booked your room.

If self-discovery is your primary goal when travelling, consider booking activities that will push you outside your comfort zone. For example, if you plan to visit Italy, consider signing up for a rock climbing course in Sicily or skiing lessons in the Dolomites. Pushing your boundaries will help you build new skills while boosting your confidence. You can always take up your newfound hobby when you return home, too!


Sustainable Travel

Travelling as a hobby will broaden your horizons and enrich your understanding of diverse cultures from around the world. However, jetting off every month will wrack up a less-than-impressive emissions bill. This is a real issue if you’re a climate-conscious traveller with a desire to support the natural world. Rather than ignoring the impact of your hobby, embrace ways to travel more sustainably, like: 


  • Pack lightly to improve fuel efficiency when driving to your destination; 
  • Utilize reusable containers when ordering food to go on your travels;
  • Plot your route carefully to avoid doubling back and incurring higher emissions; 
  • Address any inefficiencies in your vehicle and upgrade your engine for improved mileage; 
  • Consider offsetting your trip. 


Embracing an earth-friendly approach to travel can lead to personal fulfillment, too. You’ll likely meet plenty of like-minded, eco-friendly folks when travelling and can support local businesses by making your trip more sustainable. Favouring small, locally owned establishments over multinational corporations supports the socio-economic development of people in the area, ensuring culturally authentic businesses aren’t pushed out of town by businesses that care little for the development of the local area. 


Saving for Travel

Travelling can become an expensive hobby if you’re constantly jetting around the world for new experiences. However, with proper planning and saving, travel needn’t put a strain on your bank account. Rather than opting for luxury hotels and premium flights, save some cash by: 


  • Taking advantage of cheap flights with sites like Skyscanner and KAYAK; 
  • Consider booking accommodation at well-reviewed hostels rather than hotels;
  • Pack light to avoid paying for extra bags;
  • Stay closer to town, where you can bike, walk, or catch a cheap taxi;
  • Set a budget for eating out when travelling to prevent costs from spiralling. 


These steps will help you stay on budget when away from home. Between trips, you can start saving for your next vacation by: 


  • Setting aside a portion of your monthly income to a travel savings account;
  • Tracking your spending;
  • Getting in touch with friends who live in interesting locations to arrange a visit; 
  • Use cashback apps and bank cards that help you pay for flights and accommodation; 
  • Utilize common sense money-saving habits like DIYing, smart shopping, and financial goal-setting.


These steps can help you stay on track when budgeting. You may also want to speak with a financial advisor who can assess your current position and help you make your income go further. Doing so can be transformative if you’re struggling to justify spending your hard-earned cash on holidays and overseas adventures.

If you do manage to secure some free accommodation thanks to your wider network, be sure to pay it back when folks are looking for a place to stay in your town. Sharing your space with friends you meet overseas is a great way to make the most out of your travel habit, as hosting guests from out of town can strengthen your relationships and help you learn more about folks from different cultures. 


Travelling can be a powerful hobby that leads to personal fulfillment and growth. Taking to the skies in search of adventure needn’t break the bank, either. By arranging your travel plans in advance and utilizing common sense money-saving habits, you can reduce your bills and travel with peace of mind. Just be sure to push beyond your comfort zone when travelling, as signing up for exciting activities like skiing or safari will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!