What You Need to Know About Huskies: A Comprehensive Guide

Huskies have captured the hearts of dog lovers all over the world. These beautiful and majestic dogs are known for their love of snow, striking blue eyes, and thick double coats. With so much attention placed on these canine companions, it’s no wonder that more people want to adopt them. Whether you’re looking to adopt your first husky or add another to your pack, this guide will give you everything you need to know about these lovable dogs.


Huskies Need A Lot Of Attention

If you’re looking to add a dog to your family but don’t have the time to give it the attention it needs, huskies probably aren’t the right dog for you. Huskies need a lot of attention and love, and they need it regularly. If you’re not able to give your husky the attention it needs, it will become bored and might start to find ways to entertain itself, often through destructive behaviours.


Are Huskies Good For Families?

If you’re a parent, you may be wondering, are huskies good with kids? They make excellent family pets if you have the time, patience, and energy to care for a husky. Huskies are pack animals by nature, so they love being part of a family and spending time with their human companions. They also adore children and are very patient and gentle with them. They love children and are very playful, gentle, and patient with them. Huskies are very sociable and crave human contact. Because of this, they are fantastic family pets. To learn more about huskies and families, take a look at this guide: Are Huskies Good With Kids? This will help you learn all about how huskies interact with children and can help you make an informed decision when it comes to adopting a husky. 


Commit To Long-Term Training

Huskies are beautiful dogs, but they are known for having stubborn and independent personalities. These qualities make them difficult to train and could lead to frustration if you don’t commit to having a long-term training plan. You must learn as much as possible about training huskies before bringing one into your home. Observing other husky owners during training sessions and reading books on the subject are great ways to get started. It’s also a good idea to find a local husky club where you can meet other owners and ask them for advice.


Huskies And Small Pets

Huskies have a strong prey drive, which means that they are likely to chase and kill small animals. This includes rabbits, squirrels, mice, and rats. This breed might not be a good fit for your home if you have small pets. While training can help reduce the husky’s prey drive, especially if done from a young age, it’s not something that can be done overnight, and your husky will need to be supervised following training when around small pets. It’s important that you understand the risks of adopting a husky and take steps to protect your other pets.


They Need Plenty Of Room

Huskies are very active dogs that need plenty of room to explore and play. Without enough space to run and explore, these dogs will find their own ways to entertain themselves. This often leads to excessive barking and destructive behaviours. If you live in a small apartment, a husky will not be a good fit for your home. If you have a large backyard, huskies can be happy in a smaller home as long as they have a safe space to run around. However, huskies have an impressive jump range, so your backyard needs high fences to ensure they don’t get out. You’ll also need to be prepared to give your dog plenty of exercises. Huskies are extremely energetic and will find a way to release that energy if their exercise needs aren’t met.

Additionally, dogs bred for colder climates, like huskies, have thick double coats that help insulate them from the cold. While it’s important to provide your husky with plenty of space and room to run, you also need to ensure they have access to cold water and a cool place to rest if they’re living in a warmer climate.


Be Aware Huskies Have Poor Recall

Though huskies are very affectionate and loving dogs, these dogs are not known for their good recall skills. If your husky is off-leash, there’s a good chance your dog will ignore you when you attempt to recall. While some huskies can be trained to have recalled, their independent nature makes it difficult to predict when they will decide to keep running and playing rather than coming back to go home. As a result, unless you are in a secure, enclosed area, it’s best to keep your husky on a lead to ensure they are safe when out and about.


Huskies are beautiful and majestic dogs that make wonderful additions to any home. You can make sure they’re happy and healthy by providing your husky with plenty of attention, long-term training, and room to run. It’s important to understand what it takes to care for a husky and the risks of adopting one.



Mark Munroe is the Creator and EIC of ADDICTED. He's ADDICTED to great travel, amazing food, better grooming & probably a whole lot more!